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Three hour bagout at Plan C location.

Useless fisho

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My day did not start off good by sleeping in by a hour.

Plan A got to north bondi for a solo rock session but the swell was bigger than i liked so grabbed some weed and cabbage from the ledge.

Grabbed enough for half a bucket of berley and bait for a harbour session.

Plan B had two bait fishers on the wharf with 8 rods out between them leaving no room for a luderick session.

Mixed berley here then moved onto plan c.

Plan C was a spot i normally fish on the run in tides but got here at 9 30am on a runout tide.

I was not prepared for a harbour session so i left the second bucket and landing net at home.

Shot some berley in while rerigging my rod to a estuary set up 15 minutes later i was fishing.

Missed the first two hookups on my first two downs by striking early.

Next couple of downs i let the fish go on with it longer and came up tight on the fish and had them on the deck.

Puled the hook on the next fish halfway in.

Got a couple more luderick out before they went quiet.

Kept the berley going in consistantly then changed my depth to match the tide and was back into the fish.

Pulled the hook on one more fish before getting my bag limit of ten in three hours.

All fish released alive and well after a photo.

Pretty happy Plan C paid off.

Keep having troubles uploading photos through my phone.





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