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The entrance lake


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Really good little spot there, if you are going landbased go to the left of the jetty, jetty is always packed with every man and his dog, if you dont have a boat chuck in a yak, get there halfa before dusk, be warned though, the jetty near there is very crowded especially now being school holidays and easter weekend is ridiculously busy around the entrance. The wharf/jetty oposite the island is probably one of the most common  places during the holidays, plenty of tarwhine around, great for kids if you can beat the crowds.

You ca,n also try further up at the north entrance boat ramp end of the island, terilbah reserve is the location pretty sure and also good spot to put kayak in :) might bump into you as im up that way for easter.

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I've found the lake a little hit and miss lately - after the rain, there is a bit of colour in the water and its a little higher than usual which is good for fishing the flats but as usual there is plenty of weed.

I don't usually target whiting so can't help there but have been getting decent bream and flatties on SPs drifting the flats - best last Monday was a 58cm flattie in about 1 ft of water.

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