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Flathead Pro - Non Event


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Hi all,

We were at the starters gate when a gale warning came through for the area. The event was called off which was dissapointing.

Now, we werent about to go home that easily, so while all the normal sensible people went home we pushed on out into the face of the storm. :1prop: Not going to let a little gale warning, thunderstorms, and torrential rain stop me from a fish !

Anyway we thought we would do a drift for a flatties to see if we would have done any good. Wouldnt you know it, I landed this beauty which cracked the 70cm mark and backed it up with another at 50 and a couple more under that, in a 2.5 hour session. My fishen bud 'oldmate' dropped what would have been another gooden' too.

Pity the comp wasnt on, but at least getting wet was worth it with a nice fat lizzard,which was left to fight another day. :biggrin2:

Just for the record it never got that windy

Cheers :thumbup:


Edited by Grantm
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Shame about the weather on the day Grant.

Good to see you got onto a few fish anyway. Did the 70cm model put up much of a fight?



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GDay Shane,

She was a bit sluggish until it got to the boat then went balistic. Had 3 or 4 good runs from the boat and was the most dangerous time with a flattie. It took the lure right down and was sawing its way through the 12 pd leader. Just carefully and slowy lead it in and kept the head under water and my mate slid the net under.

I suspect many big flatties get lost at this point. We were lucky.

We were in the bonnell bay area and got quite a few close to shore, im sure you'll get a few from thebeachy banks in this area if your looking for some more land based possies.

Cheers :thumbup:

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Thanks for the info mate. Am always looking for more land based spots around the lake.

A lot of the newer areas I've tried have very muddy shallows which make wading near impossible cause you just sink in up to your knees. :wacko: The sandy bays with flats are few and far between, that's probably why I'm at Swan Bay most of the time.



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excuse my ignorance boys but where was this flatty classic at?

G'day kevvie

It was the Pro Flathead competition at Lake Macquarie.



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