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Belated Report

Captain Pugwash

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Sorry for the lateness of the report ladies and gents,

but it's taken me this long to get the shit off my liver.

Took Weasel and two of his mates out on the Pig on Sat. I spent Fri arvo setting up a new live bait system. Trouble was I didn't have the time to do it properly the first time.

We trolled from North Head round past Bluefish and on towards Manly and were rewarded with a triple hookup. You Bloody Beauty. One busted us off, the second spat the lure boatside and the 3rd was landed. A rat King of 55cm. Quick photo and back he went. Set the spread again and next thing were on to a nice acrobatic salmon. Likewise landed, photo taken and back he goes.

Then headed to Bluefish, anchored up and then the fun began.

The new livie system was actually a bilge pump set into the berley bucket with a hose up into the large livie tub but then it just overflowed onto the washaway deck and out the back of the boat.

It would have been fine but for the fact that the float switch on the bige pump decided to fail! And before I knew it the boat was listing towards starboard when I realised what had happened. Yes, the engine bay was full of water and the 200hp Volvo Penta was completely submerged. Fan bloodytastic!

Start the other donk and limp home while the boys are bailing out the ebgine bay.

Sure enough the water has got in through the turbo, starter motor stuffed, alternator stuffed ,the engine has to come out, I am without the Black Pig for our last weekend this year and I will be staring down the barrel of a bill for several thousand bucks.

HO HO HO merry bloody xmas.

Just as well it's only money.

I will have to put some serious time into those Kings when we gat back in mid Jan.

The rat was number 23 for the summer and I'm hoping to crack 50 when we get back

So that's my tale of woe

And SHIT does happen.





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hey captin,

mate sorry to hear bout your delema thats really gotta hurt specially coming into this tome of year :thumbdown:

hope all goes well nd u get tha baby back on the water real soon..

on a more positive note well done on the couple of kings there mate..

havnt caught 1 myself yet but bring on the day i do...

all the best

cheers steve :1prop:

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Guest fishrunner

Bloody oath shit happens thats a shocker :1badmood: ,

If it wasn't for kingie no. 50 the whole day would've been a right off, sorry to hear bout the dramas cap't pugwash :thumbdown: good excuse to make the black pig better then ever!

hope it works out es best it can.


no more kingie reports for a while I guess :(

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Sorry to hear about that pete, what a bloody hassle just after you have mastered the art of the sydney king..hope things turn out better then they are and you are on the water asap..

Good to hear you gotta a few of the fellas onto fish aswell.. :1fishing1::thumbup:


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Hey Captain, bad luck there mate I can only imagine how you feel..I guess they don't call the boating the endless pit for nothing huh :05: You'll get her back better than ever and the way your going you'll crack 75 Kings before the seasoins out! Hang in there

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Cheers fellas,

thanks for the best wishes.

Good news is I'm off on Hols next week to fish in some far away places.

I'll be over the shits by the time I get back!.

Tight lines all,


Thats the attitude Pete! Have a good one. Where are you off to btw?

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Thats the attitude Pete! Have a good one. Where are you off to btw?

Very excited Mark,

Were off to Africa again. Will spend a week fishing and relaxing on a beach south of Durban, then hopefully a day in the Atlantic Ocean in Namibia finishing up with a week on a houseboat on Lake Kariba in Zimbabwe chasing those amazing Tiger Fish!

That's in amongst Game Parks, drinking to excess, eating every type of red meat you can imagine and generally loving every minute of it. This will be our eleventh trip over there. Guess we like it!



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Were off to Africa again. Will spend a week fishing and relaxing on a beach south of Durban, then hopefully a day in the Atlantic Ocean in Namibia finishing up with a week on a houseboat on Lake Kariba in Zimbabwe chasing those amazing Tiger Fish!

:1yikes: Pete watch out for those teeth!

Sorry to hear about the PIG mate :(

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Thanks to all,

been offline all day interstate. I hope the crap from last night is finished permenantly.

As for the Pig, :05: , and it was my fault for not doing the job properly. Half a job Harry they call me.

BUT, like McArthur, I shall return. Watch out around those Kingy haunts come mid Jan!

Until then I'll have to console myself with mackeral, wahoo and dollies in the Indian Ocean then those ferociously fanged Tiger fish in Zimbabwe.

Come to think of it, Stuff the Black Pig, get me on that plane.

I hope you fill this fine site with stories of Kings all weekend to whet my appetite till we return.

Tight lines everyone, and well spoken Mrs Swordfisherman!



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Guest bluecod

Bad luck about the Pig Pete :thumbdown: and also bad luck about the kings ... they're going to be hook shy by the time you get back :1fishing1::1fishing1::074:

Have a great holiday and Xmas [Dollface too!]

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Bad luck about the Pig Pete :thumbdown: and also bad luck about the kings ... they're going to be hook shy by the time you get back :1fishing1::1fishing1::074:

Have a great holiday and Xmas [Dollface too!]


you blokes had better get busy while I'm away cause I'm going for that magic 50 mark when I get back back!


I need you all to carefully record every GPS mark, time, tide, hair colour and every single detail while I'm gone so I can play catch up when we return.

Cheers and tight lines,

lets have a peaceful FR evening,


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