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Half A Dozen Kings


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Hi Raiders,

With all you guys posting reports of Kings around the place, Geoff and I decided it was our turn to get into the action.

Despite the thunderstorms the night before and a dodgy forecast, we braved the wind and headed out into Botany Bay at around 6.30am.

The wind was already up but not to be put off we headed for Molineaux Point to look for some action. Nothing doing there so we went in search of Kings on the troll.

Geoff was running a large skirt lure and I was running a large metal jet head xmas tree. We trolled the cans for nothing and past the container wharf we had our first double hookup right on top of Watts Reef.

Geoff's spat the hook after a few seconds but I was hooked up tight. The fish made a good account of itself before we boated our first rat of 55cm for the day.

Lures out again and this time it was Geoff's turn. Another fish of similar size hit the deck.

Third time lucky and we got a great double hook up. Naturally as these things go, the two fish went in completely opposite directions crossing us up. After a little deck dancing, we had things sorted out and the two fish stayed connected. The call was "every man for himself" and Geoff and I knuckled down on our fish. Geoff's was first to the boat as mine was going absolutely nuts charging all over the place. Geoff traced his own fish and hauled it aboard. One down.

All this time, mine was trying its very best to reef me on my light overhead outfit. I got him up to the boat after a tussle and once the double came onto the reel I put the brakes on him, traced him myself and we had two kings on the deck. Both fish were again around the 55cm with mine closer to 60cm. A few "good on ya, well done mate's" and they were both back in the water.

We decided to leave the kings alone for a while and head out under the cliffs out of the westerly. The plan was to get on the pick and burley looking for a reddie. We managed the usual sweep, some XOS Yakka and I got one reddie on a pillie fillet floated down the trail. He went 35cm but that was the only red fish we saw all day.

A huge pod of dolphins came past, and past and past (there were heaps of them) which was nice and as the fish had left us we decided to try another spot so moved, dropped the pick and restarted the burley trail.

Absolutely nothing for half an hour or so and then the rats turned up in the trail. They followed our lures and jigs right to the boat but wouldn't strike. We tried plastics and metals and they just weren't interested.

Only one thing to do, get back on the troll and it was more of the same. We boated one king after a short fight and then another which made six for the day.

We were stoked and all smiles and headed back into the bay as the westerly was just ripping in making the trip back slow even if Geoff's Webster. Our last port of call was Brighton beach for a flatty but no luck there so we headed in around 1.00pm to escape the wind.

Here's a few pics of a couple of kings. They were all rats but provided us with one of the best fun days out we've had in ages.



Can't wait to get out there and do it all again!!



Edited by mottyman
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Six for the day is a good effort there David. :thumbup: The smiles in the photo's tell the story.

If some of the recent reports are anything to go by, your next trip should yield larger numbers of bigger fish.



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Hey Clutch, how's it going...

Yep, certainly was a lot of fun. If the kings are anything like the snapper in your local waters we'll all look forward to some great pics I'm sure.

Are you going to target them from your tinnie - that would be fun indeed!! :1fishing1:

Cheers and thanks


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Persaverance (sp) paid off Motty, good on 'ya's for getting out there on Saturday. :thumbup:

Me and the boys pulled the pin on Friday night but in hindsight we should have at least given it a go. :1prop:

Oh well, there's always this Saturday. :yahoo:



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