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Jani´s fishing days 2 and 3.


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Like i sayd before, that i had couple days on holiday. ( Can read from here:


Day 2 and 3.

Day 2) We went Saija´s parents Cabin. Was really rainy, so less fishing, only catch couple redfinss, Vili cath biggest on the day. He is learn cast quite good, but shallow water is little bit difficult still with softplastic. Rest of day chilling on cabin, bbg, swimming ext. Listening thunder storm.



Day 3) Went fishing near cabin on small lake on nice weather. There is different species breams, redfinns and Pikes. Me and Vili fishing with softplastics, other peoples old style with worms. Veikka practice casting and can do it quite ok.  Really less fishs, i dont know why? Usually cach easylly many pikes and redfinns. Now catch only couples, but weather was nice. Just before we leave back to cabin, i had fish on. Pike and again jump big air. Vili runt to me with net and after short fight JUMP IN NET! But it was so quick jump that we both with Vili allmoste fell to the bum. Same time pike jump back to water from net. But fish still on and soon Vili caught it on net. I dont take measure how long, but weight was 1500g. Again on pan and eat with potatos and rye bread.













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