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Parra Wed 21 Dec


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G'day all,

My 8 (soon to be 9) year old son Andy was good enough to take the day off school today and take me fishing!!!! He's good that way.... :tease:

Given it was going to be pretty hot we got off to an early start and headed off from Silverwater ramp at first light.

Our first stop was a drift around Gladesville which to my surprise produced a small squid. Nothing else doing there so went down to Cockatoo Island and trolled some hard bodies in close to the shoreline looking for a few bream but they didn't want to play either but there was a large bust up which were chopper tailor so I let Andy have a go at them on a bream stick with a small metal.

I set the drag really light so it would scream when the choppers took the lure so Andy could have some fun. :thumbup: We trolled around and Andy caught Tailor after Tailor and the smile on his face each time the reel screamed was priceless. Talk about a kid having a great time... :thumbup:

There was no size to the choppers so no pics and we left them busting up and went up the Lane Cove for a bit of a look.

Up near Fig Tree bridge we got loads of whiting (all very small), a few small flathead, a few keeper flathead, loads of small red bream and once nice silver bream.

Our catch of the day however was this girl down stream from Fig Tree. She went 65cm and is the biggest flathead I've ever pulled out of the Lane Cove so I was stoked with that. She went back to produce many more flathead. Andy really wanted to keep the fish but was OK with realeasing her once I explained she was probably full of next year's "baby flathead" and I think he got a great buzz out of watching the fish swim away. I let him keep a smaller one of about 40cm which he ended up giving to his pop for dinner anyway - bless him... :biggrin2::biggrin2:


We were back at the ramp at 12.30pm and on our way home. Big hats and plenty of sunscreen saved the dreaded sun burn (thank god) and we drove home talking about next year's baby flathead, squid and our day's adverentures. :yahoo::yahoo:


David (and Andy :biggrin2: )

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Sounds like a top day there David. :thumbup: Nice flathead pic as well, good on you for letting her swim off.

Andy sounds like he really enjoys the fishing, at what age did you get him started with it David?



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priceless memories for the young fella :thumbup:

ive found when i take my nieces and nephews fishing that keeping them busy is the key, yellowtail, small bream it doesnt matter as long as theyre catchinig something.

did you get the flattie on bait or sp?

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Hey Guys,

Thanks so much for all your kind comments. Andy and I did indeed have a fantastic day yesterday in my tinnie. :thumbup:

Crazedfisherdude, The sun got to me a bit more than I thought and today I feel a bit off colour... Andy is fine however... so, maybe I'm just getting old :biggrin2::biggrin2:

Shane, I started Andy fishing with me at about the age of 5 in a 10 foot tinnie on lake macquaire catching small fish (bream, whiting etc). Almost every peeled prawn produced a fish for him on his first time out so he was "hooked" from then. My mate Geoff and I are taking him out to Botany in a week or so to chase some kings. I'm just praying we get one for him. Can't wait to hand him my overhead outfit and watch the fun!!! :biggrin2::biggrin2:

Like others have said, keeping them busy is definately the key and more so with Andy. He has a few challenges in his life (he's Autistic) so keeping him busy and having fun is important.

Jewnut, got the flattie on bait. Despite the fact there was basically no wind yesterday and it would have made perfect lure chucking, I bait fished with Andy so we were both doing the same thing. :thumbup:

Thanks again,


Edited by mottyman
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Great report.

I am glad to see you are enjoying your boat and having fun with your son.

Good for him for letting the big flathead go free.

I like the photo and the smile.

I hope to hear of lots more tales of you and your son. Pick the photos coming.


Claire T

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