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Currambene Creek Upper


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Going Camping at JB Cabins Jervis Bay. I was wondering how far up the Currambene Creek Have you fished is there good Fishing to be had up near where its closed to fishing and is it easy passage all the way down to Huskisson ?  Anything i should keep an eye out for ill be taking my 4.3 Fishrunner down the creek. Any recomendations on soft plastics or lures that are must haves ? 




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I've fished it all the way up to freshwater many years ago. There used to be good black bream and a small patch of bass water right up the top, just downstream from the highway bridge.

What you have to be aware of now, is that most of the upper reaches are now a sanctuary zone from the Jervis Bay Marine Park.

I strongly suggest you jump on their website and have a good look as there's a couple of sanctuary zones and a special purpose zone in the creek. 

The fishable areas are okay for average size flathead and bream. All the usual lures work, but the tidal flow in the creek is strong and plastics need a decent size jig head to stay in contact with the bottom. 

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