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Cobblers Beach

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Hi All!

So I went out today to explore a new (for me) spot and headed to Cobblers Beach over at Middle Head. I arrived when the tide started to go out and quickly put up my surf rod with squid strip and a pilchard. In parallel I had a smaller rod with prawns. Well, all my bait kept getting stolen within 2 minutes and after hooking up two smallest pinkies I ever saw caught I decided it isn't going to work and that I should at least explore the surroundings. I went along the Eastern side of the beach, rock hopping and casting every 20 m or so to see whether the situation is different along the rocks. Well, it wasn't. So I proceeded towards the turn of the shoreline and reached a nice stretch of north-facing rocks. After casting around for a bit I really liked the location as there are quite a few snag-free spots, and rocks seemed pretty safe against the waves. I didn't go further as I was quite exhausted by that point and turned back. Got a barely legal trevally on my last piece of prawn, but decided to let it go to grow a bit more (sorry, no pic, I don't photograph fish I release).

In any case, even thought I didn't catch anything to brag about I've put those rocks on my to-do list. The only issue is that I don't think they would be accessible from the beach at high tide, as there was a place where I had to wet my feet, and it was more than 1/2 out by that point. Anyone knows if there is another way to access them?

From what I saw, it looks like a possible squid ground as there is a bit of kelp around, and sandy bottom is visible in places. Also unfortunately found a few discarded fishing lines with what looked like blackfish setup. So I guess I should bring mine next time as well... Other than that, if anyone has more info about this location, I'd be happy to learn more to be more prepared next time.

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Hi mate there is a Luderick spot if you go around to the right from Cobblers Beach, it's quite low and goes underwater at higher tides. It's about 100m from the eastern point.

If you go as far as you can go towards the right, there's a large free standing rock you can climb onto between waves, which is a really good spot to spin lures for Tailor. You get a bit wet as there is a small gap to cross, but there are often good Tailor under the wash towards the east. The spot is called 'The Twins' (from the 2 larger rocks there) only available to get on until half tide in and is sometimes exposed to the swell- even from the south, as it hits the opposite side (Grotto Point) and surges back across.

Trevally, Leatherjacket, Bream, Luderick along there, plus Squid.

You can't go to the left from Cobblers due to it being HMAS Penguin naval waters.

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there is a Luderick spot if you go around to the right from Cobblers Beach, it's quite low and goes underwater at higher tides. It's about 100m from the eastern point.

Yes, that's where I got that trevally on my way back! I think with how deep the underwater rocks are, at high tide there must be quite a few decent spots without much snag danger.


If you go as far as you can go towards the right, there's a large free standing rock you can climb onto between waves

Sounds kind of extreme, but I won't resist checking it out!

Do you know if the rocks can be accessed from the south without hopping from the beach? Looks like it's less than 50m from the service road, however I didn't see any climbable gaps in the cliffs...

And BTW, I think I met you at Bradley's Head about a month or two ago. Got me quite interested in black trevally, will give it a go sometime :)

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Hi again, no wasn't me, haven't been there for ages. Best access is via the track down to the beach. The Twins isn't what I'd call dangerous- I never provide info on accessing anywhere that could put anyone in any danger (common sense needs to be applied in ALL rock fishing!)- it's more about getting a bit wet if you climb out onto the rock.

The location is pretty much as far as you can go eastwards, Middle Head spots can't be accessed via this route as there's no way around the bottom.

Beware of handling the Black Trevally/Rabbitfish/Spinefoot- they call them 'Happy Moments' and are extremely painful if you get spiked. Tongues/fish grips a must for them

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no wasn't me, haven't been there for ages

Huh... I guess there is more than one person with decades of experience fishing around North Sydney who frequented Bradleys Head in their youth, encyclopaedic knowledge of rockfishing spots and a particular interest in blackfishing... Must be your long lost twin brother. 

Thanks for the info, will report back when I try it out!

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4 hours ago, sashkello said:

Huh... I guess there is more than one person with decades of experience fishing around North Sydney who frequented Bradleys Head in their youth, encyclopaedic knowledge of rockfishing spots and a particular interest in blackfishing... Must be your long lost twin brother. 

Thanks for the info, will report back when I try it out!

That would be the other Waza, also a great Sydney fisho that has a wealth of knowledge. He would of been shore jigging for Kings.

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