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Pb snapper

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Early morning start launched at parsley bay 4:30 slow run to pittwater to try for squid and hopefully a few flatties caught 4 squid and now light enough to head outside broken bay too try a spot ive had mixed success on the snapper I know low light is best but im not risking hitting a whale anyway a small bluespot comes up so not on right spot so move and drift for a while trying to find snapper rod bends over and bring up a 65 cm model pb very happy 5 minutes later 40 cm model comes up let that onego as still had calamari nice Sunday night meal and have the redt tonight us daiwa bg 5000 reel on ugly stick rod 40 braid paternoster rig i seen a guy with one over 80 cm a few weeks ago at ramp so they are out there cheers

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