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Dethatching Buffalo Lawn


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The lawn at work was getting a bit spongy. Dead organic material builds up below the grass surface forming a layer of thatch. Buffalo too has a tendency to run over itself forming layers. The combination doesn’t let air circulate, it can  block nutrients and water and provide an environment for pests and disease. 

I hired the dethatch machine and ran over the lawn in 2 directions. It’s surprising how much material comes out with minimal change to the look of the lawn. You don’t want to go so deep that your digging up soil, just deep enough to get through the layers.

2 passes, cleanup and mow, I was done in 2 hours. 2 Otto bins completely full from 150m sq. lawn.

It’s the perfect time of year to do this as the lawn will recover quickly with a little fertilise and watering now we’re in growing season.

First pass



Second pass opposite direction.


Mow to finish.




Edited by Ryder
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