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Beach Fishing

Big Berg

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Hi Guys,

I was wondering if anyone had any hints and tips to beach fishing. I haven't really fished the beaches before as I usually fish of the rock, jetties and wharfs.

I hope to land a jewfish or even some salmon.

Is there any signs that I should be looking out for to have a better chance of hooking up with a fish from the beach. Also I want to know what the best bait is, what time of the day/night and what berley techniques are best?

i usually fish Avoca and towards Port Kembla and Windang.


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Look for trophs on high tide,and was told pouring some tuna oil just at the top of the wave stop will on a bigger rush up will grab the oil and take back in with it,in small doses,I had most luck with my uncle in the night early morning,its where i got my first reef shark,any way Raiders will set u straight plenty of beach gurus on here for shore

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G'day mate.

pretty much any beach with a nice gutter that runs parallel to the shore is worth a shot. Any deep water hole along a beach, where the waves arent breaking is a good sign (basically a rip). Another good sign is if the breakers out the back are churning up sand - its safe to assume theres a shallow sand bar and usually in front of that is a deep water gutter perfect for a cast. (the food runs down from the sand bar into the deep gutter where the fish are waiting)

Gutters can be as close as a few meters (when the waves are "dumping", breaking, right on the beach) of quite far out.

I like to use a patternoster rig with a surf poper on top, ganged 4/0 hooks with a whole pilchard under it, and a star sinker on the bottom.

Break up a few pillies with your hands and drop then at your feet, and the surf will take them out. great for burley.

or if you like, spinning metal lures is fun. 60-80g twisties / raiders are good. the weight helps to get out the back with a long cast if needed.

Jewies are much more elusive. usually feed at night or dusk, and much prefer large fresh baits like squid

Edited by bennoz
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