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My first Marlin Magic


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I have been waiting for this trip all year after I took my son in january marlin fishing for his birthday, and he hooked a very nice stripe marlin at around 100kg..So I kept in touch with Damo and Mike for the last couple of months and when they said they were heading home I was ready..

I got a crew together of four, Leo, his mate Danny, James my step son and Myself and we headed up to Port Stephens on the bus on Saturday afternoon. We were so pumped after watching the sight and the reports of catches up this way..

We met the guys that night and they said what a horrible day that they had and the weather wasnt looking all that good. :( I have been watching the reports and I was the other way.. I knew it was going to be a top day... I must admit I had Marlin on the brain.. :tease:

Well after getting up to early because I forgot about putting my watch back, we got brekky and headed down to the marina to meet the guys and head off.. Mike told us the night before that he had to be honest and didnt think we may get a marlin, and that we were going to look for yellow fin if we couldnt raise anything at the car park..

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Well we got to the car park and the weather was a bit gloomy but was getting better as we went further out..There was quite a few things to keep us ocupied and to look at.. telling tales and watching all the dolphines..

Next minute, there it was ...."ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ" Leo grabs the rod and here we go :thumbup: A couple of jumps and we spot the dollie.. not a big one but was Leo's first dollie.. about 1m.. Had it all the way to the boat almost ready to gaff and we notice it is not hooked?? he just had hold of the bait??? and away he went..

not sure where about we were, but it was about 11.30am and I was woken from a short nap to see us surrounded by pods of dophines everywhere.. all around us..I said to Leo there is something going on here this is wierd?

Then it was that sound that makes your gut churn...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ MARLIN ZZZZZZZZZZZ.. I grab my rod and the big blue is going balistic with a sensational arial show and charging the boat :thumbup: .. Damo and the guys quickly clear the rods while i was getting set for battle..We got it all under control and he tokk somewhere around 4 to 500 m of line I am guessing. He had a couple of good deep runs and just a little over an hour I had him up and ready for the last 30or 40 m to go.. Up came the windon and Damo grabbed the leader and got him to the boat for a few pic's and a TAG with a great release..

He was tagged at 2.5m @150kg's

On the Leader

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We had one more hook up with a small tuna but dropped him as well then headed home for sydney about 4pm.. We came into Sydney with a beautiful sunset

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Once again I would like to thank Damo and Mike from Reef Magic.. You guys are awsome, and I will see you again.. To Leo,James and Danny.. Thank you for a great day and we will catch up around sydney for a fish togther next time I am in town :thumbup:

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That is truly magic mate!! :yahoo:

What a cracker for a 1st marlin as well. A nice blue & what sounds like a hell of a fight. :thumbup:

You must be pumped. I've never forgotten my 1st & I know you won't forget that one.

Well done to the boys on Reef Magic for putting you onto that fish.

Great effort!

Congrats mate.



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That is truly magic mate!! :yahoo:

What a cracker for a 1st marlin as well. A nice blue & what sounds like a hell of a fight. :thumbup:

You must be pumped. I've never forgotten my 1st & I know you won't forget that one.

Well done to the boys on Reef Magic for putting you onto that fish.

Great effort!

Congrats mate.



Yep I can feel some serious money spending comming on in the future.. WOW what a feeling :thumbup:

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Mate that fish just about had us beat...tried to out tun the boat then nearly got us on the props twice. Was great work by mike driving and damo on the leader and of course yourself...not so much by myself with the worst tag shot i've seen haha. Top shots mate

Thanks again to reef magic for a great day. Can't wait to head out with you guys again

Cheers Leo

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Fantstic effort Sean :yahoo: you have persevered and it has paid off BIGTIME !!!!!

Well done to all involved.

Cheers Stewy

yeah Stewie I am wrapped.. :thumbup: Now I move on to the next fish on my list and hopefully it will be a little easier to land for my first.. The mighty "King"

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Mate that fish just about had us beat...tried to out tun the boat then nearly got us on the props twice. Was great work by mike driving and damo on the leader and of course yourself...not so much by myself with the worst tag shot i've seen haha. Top shots mate

Thanks again to reef magic for a great day. Can't wait to head out with you guys again

Cheers Leo

Hey mate no matter what it was a team effort. You helping me by spinner the chair so I could keep in line with the fish was great mate..LOL I am keen to go already I am putting the boat back on the trailer and will be down sometime in the next 2 weeks..

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What a beauty, big marlin that size, i'm new to fishing but i know thats one hell of a catch and hoping in the future as i learn more, i will get me on of those babies.

Great catch once again, big effort to hold it for over an hour. Well done.

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Hi Sean it was good to have you guys aboard for the day again. It was a great fish on 24kg and it was probably a good thing that he charged the boat early and didn't head in the other direction as he probably would have spooled you.

Anyway now you can at least brag to Blake about your fish being bigger!!

See you again.

Cheers Damo

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Yes it was a grest day.. and I must say that i have lady luck on my side as far as the marlin go ..This was my second time only targeting marlin.. The first trip my 18 yr old son got his first marlin at 100kg, and this time I got my first.. Just goes to show with good weather and a exceptional crew you can have a great day :thumbup:

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I just realised that when I took my son on reef magic in January , it was for his 16th birthday, and he caught a strip marlin.. and now i went on reef magic for my birthday , and I caught a blue marlin... :thumbup::1yikes: Is that to much of a funny thing? or maybe there is something in that??

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A real pity my birthday is in june...otherwise id be begging you to take me marlin fishing for my birthday haha

Cheers Leo

lol dont worry leo I am planning another marlin trip for early next year.. I will save a spot for you and we nearly have a full crew already.. :thumbup:

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