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Crabs are on!


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Heard a few reports around that crabbing in Brisbane water is particularly good at the moment so with a 5am start and some frozen mullet I thought I would find out for myself. Fore and aft ancor out, sitting in ~3m of water and lines in by 6am. Nice and overcast but the SSE was a bit fresh.I usually fish the head on a heavy handline with sinker straight down and toss around mullet strips and an SP while waiting between bites/crabs. First drop and a crab on the head within 2 mins. The next 30 mins we had 5 in the boat. A few more and it went quiet, maybe we had caught them all in the vicinity so we upped anchor and moved 500m away. A bit slow until the tide started to run out then another 5 all from my side of the boat, none from Matts side. Total was 12 crabs plus got a 55cm flattie along the way. Went quiet by by 9:30am so we tried a few spots around the Rip Bridge for another smaller flattie. Stayed out for another 3 hours but really just killing time, the best had been just after sunrise. A mate turned up in his boat at ~9am and only boated one bream so you have to be there, ready and in the zone early or you miss out. Now to decide how to cook them, so many recipes to choose from :thumbup:


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Did you catch the crabs on a handline?

I've only caught them in the usual witches hat nets so how do you get them on the lines?

2nd that .

you must realy no what your doing . how do you rig for this ? what method ?



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Few options;

anchor at the front and back to stop the boat from swaying.

Handline with 50lb or similar mono line.

Big hook with big bit of bait. Running sinker straight to the hook

over the side. Leave the handline and watch it.
soon as it starts to slowly peel line or move away from the boat start to very slowly pull the line in.

net the crab before it breaks the surface.

Other method is all the same as above however create a birds nest of line around the hook, they get stuck in the nest.

Edited by Belligero
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Few options;

anchor at the front and back to stop the boat from swaying.

Handline with 50lb or similar mono line.

Big hook with big bit of bait. Running sinker straight to the hook

over the side. Leave the handline and watch it.

soon as it starts to slowly peel line or move away from the boat start to very slowly pull the line in.

net the crab before it breaks the surface.

Other method is all the same as above however create a birds nest of line around the hook, they get stuck in the nest.

also a stocking can be used in the same way as the bird nest option, best to wait till the missus takes em of first

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what i find works really good is steal some old stocking from the missus..

then a rock/sinker inside with a pilly or some fresh fish flesh then same deal out on a hand line

once it moves wind in slowly and net...

the get stuck like anything in the stockings!

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Spot on Belligero, sure you wern't in the boat next to me?? (they only got one and left - he he)

However dont always wait for them to start pulling line as they can just sit there and chomp on the bait.

Haha nah I haven't really tried to go for crabs yet. The old timers at the fishing club gave me all the How To's. When the weather is too rough they go crabbing as each one is worth 20 points. So you can imagine how many get weighed in during a comp haha.

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Has anyone been getting any crabs in Botany Bay? Saw a few trap floats out last week so someone is trying to get them.



I had the pots out this morning for a couple of hours near shell point for not much luck.

Consolation was though a bag of big whiting


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Good haul,

They are doing all right in the upper holes too (carolines and greens point)

Last time out I got 10 to the net, but 9 were jennys. Hope you guys put your brissy water jennys back in for the next gen.

I like a double gang of 1/0s with a health mullet strip, helps you pick up those bonus flatties. Last couple were a 60cm and a ~47cm.


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I'm going to try the recommended crap setups this afternoon but I may have to get some frozen mullet on the way out unless you guys reckon fresh slimies work? I am usually pretty good at catching baitfish but mullet I havent caught since I was younger fishing the Salt Pan Creek Riverwood-Padstow train bridge! Man we used to get some huge mullet under that bridge hey!

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I'm going to try the recommended crap setups this afternoon but I may have to get some frozen mullet on the way out unless you guys reckon fresh slimies work? I am usually pretty good at catching baitfish but mullet I havent caught since I was younger fishing the Salt Pan Creek Riverwood-Padstow train bridge! Man we used to get some huge mullet under that bridge hey!

Can't comment on slimies however mullet work really well. Due to the fact the bloody stink dead or alive.

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