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    Adelaide SA

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  1. Don't mean to keep dragging this thread up to the top, but can I ask what the snapper action is like in Sydney or even NSW? Doesn't seem to be much mention of them on this site - looks like you guys mainly get Kings, Jews, lizards, sharks and other stuff. Are snapper a by-catch or do you target them at all? Cheers snapola
  2. Short_Fuse_Al - often the water is flatter here in SA in Autumn - winter - the SW afternoon sea breeze doesn't come in, as the land is cooler. Should try then.
  3. Yeah he was a PB, happy with that. Have caught many fish around the 10 kilo mark in last few years, but couldn't crack the real big guys. Last season I saw pics of 3 different fish that all topped 40 pounds. One was not far from where we caught these, and 2 were in Spencer's gulf, other side of Yorke Peninsula from Adelaide. We sure don't get the same pelagic action you guys get but we make up for it with the size of our snapps, KG whiting and other stuff like big kings and mulloway in the gulfs.
  4. Gday spic, Brian here, nice report mate. Had a ball on those fish with you, it was just one of those days wasn't it? They're still running since you left too mate. Lookin forward to getting over that way one day soon to chase some big lizards, kings and jews. Cheers snapola
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