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Everything posted by jaydee

  1. thanks guys im gonna head to hornsby on friday to sit the test.. hopefully i dont choke and pass it lol. and i found out the reason why i couldnt access the maritime website. i was accessing it using www.waterways.com.au or something and apparently they shut off that link a week ago so you had to use maritime.com... all good. i just wanted to get my boat license before june 1sts change in boat license rules comes =/
  2. hey guys, i need to sit my boat license test before the end of the month. and the nsw waterways web site has been down for like a week now... so i cant figure out where i can go to do it.. i've already ordered the dvd and have the certificate which allows me to sit the test and i did the online test questions a few times and have it all down pretty good. now just need to figure out where to go to actually sit it haha if anyone could point me in the right direction, that would be great. im in Carlingford.. i think i remember hornsby having a place to go to, but cant remember the name of it thanks guys jaydee
  3. yeah guys thanks for all the replies its 11:30 now, i feel asleep again, been sleeping lots for some reason.. but in the past 30 mins, the pain died down sooo much.. it still hurts but its a little more easier to live with now. you can barely even see the entry wound haha, no redness, just a little swelling, so i'll see how it looks tomorro, might still see a doctor though in case it does get infected
  4. hey guys, got my first sting from a fish this morning at about 2:10am this morning off the new rock walls next to the mooney mooney bridge. first time i ever fished there and first time i ever got those ugly catfish as im used to bream, moeys, sweep, snapper from boats etc.. anyhoo, long story short, trying to dehook with pliers, the bastard nipped me and the barb broke off in my left index finger. the catfish was only a small one, and the barb got me good in the finger to. i managed to pull the barb out with pliers, at least i think i got the whole thing out and now its 7am and still hurting.. ive taken a few herron tablets about 15 mins ago and waiting for those to kick in but wondering if i should see a doctor today about it as i read on here that another guy was in hospital for 4 days cause of a sting.. i dont think mine is as bad cause only my finger is a little swallon but the pain is not very nice out of warm/hot water lol. or should i be right to wait a day and see if the pain dies down, but i guess i need some antibiotics right to clear any infections that may arise? any advice would be great, oh and next time i'll know to just use my long nose pliers and keep well away from those barbs haha thanks guys jaydee
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