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Posts posted by fisho.sid

  1. Hi Everyone ,

    Had a fish in Georges river using lures , tried blade styled lures today after the success of a few other good mates of mine and was more than impressed . Soapie jew , blackfish , bream , baby snapper , flounder and to top it off the biggest whiting i had ever caught on a lure :yahoo: . Blades sure got the thumbs up today.... :thumbup: PS water upstream of como is very dirty and we struggled to catch a fish due to this .

    Keys are for COTM.

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    Cheers Dogtooth....... :1fishing1: John.... :beersmile:

    I have a blade lure in the bag but never had any success. Whats the one tip would you suggest when using blades? Also were you land base or fishing from a boat?


  2. Hi Raiders,

    On the train to work and thought I'll make a posting. (as you do)

    anyways I have been out at Sydney harbour and bobbin head and notice my catch rate reduce to a new low. Ahem well nothing or no keeprs.

    I guess it could be common sense for some, but is anyone else finding it Slow going? Is it the change of season? I was targetting squid and breambos

  3. It was the best day i've had in a long time.

    Awesome ... just pure fishing dollie madness!!!

    This report follows on from here..


    When my mate said he was organising a charter for dolphin fish, I did not realise what sort of fishing I was up for.

    With an early 5 am start on Saturday from Kyeemagh boat ramp, we very quickly rounded up about 40 odd yakkas and we set off on a journey out wide. Now I fish mostly landbased and 'out wide' was a term I should have looked into a little closer. How does 20 knot winds, 1-2 metre swells, dark skies and not being able to see land for 360 degrees sound ?

    We ended being about 10 nautical miles out from land - I had absolutely no idea where we went because I was holding on to the seat handles so tight so I did not fall off the boat the seas were that rough. I peeked at the GPS a few times and all I saw was blue on the screen. Madness.

    Surprisingly, the conditions died down when we hit our spot - eye of the storm kinda thing. Skipper Steven set up two lures to troll out the back on TLD50's and within 2 minutes they both get smashed. I'm on ! Both fish are boated and high fives all round ! The next two or three hours was pure madness .. every single livie we had got taken...

    We used BTR's with 20lb line and there were few bustups. Many of the fish provided us with the acrobatics that they are famous for - a wonderful sight to see. My Daiwa Emcast 5000 was used in anger for the first time and granted the fish are not dirty fighters, the drag held up extremely well. I understand why so may people opt for those big ass Stella knob upgrades now ... those knobs would have life a lot easier. I believe Disturb3d caught the biggest fish for the day on his new Twinpower/Fin-Nor Ahab combo with a fish that came in close to a metre! Prev and Sid might dispute that but I sure as hell know that I lost two good sized dollies at the boat.

    Just a tip for everyone - it sure looked as though the fights were a lot easier on mono than braid !

    The weather turned and we were really getting a hammering around the boat. By the time our 40 odd yakkas were used we decided to turn and head back home. We did not bag out but I was pretty surprised to see the final count of 40 legal fish between the 6 of us !

    These are my favourite pics off my camera from the day. We all had a great day out and can't wait to do it all again - big seas and all.


  4. Hi Guys,

    Hoping you fisho enthusiast could help rest my indecisiveness.

    I would like to purchase a fishing boat that is friendly to hold some mates and would ideally like to go offshore to the fads.

    Space, Protection from elements, purpose for boats, poly vs aluminum etc has all taken a toll in my inability to make a decision.

    I have seen many and thought i came to rest with the centre console for its space and purposely built for fishing.

    taking a look at members boats on here, i see the majority of runabouts follow by side/centre type consoles.

    Can someone give me some advice... any would be helpful.


  5. Hi Guys,

    Just to add to Nathans feed, i was at MacMasters Beach last sunday too and also hit into the salmons. They werent biting to till the later of the run out tide but managed 6 salmon (1 for me and 5 for my mate) Had a blast catching such beasts. They all measured 65 cms + and put a nice fight.

    Heard lots of reviews about how bad tasting these fish are. Surprisingly after plating it up myself, it tasted like any ordinary fish.

  6. heard sambos are bad eating fish. Bait for sharks or salt them up for cooking. i have no idea really :)

    Here's a photo of one i caught, was raining and only had camera on phone.

    64cm and 2.54kg

    Another guy got one quite a bit bigger than mine.


  7. I had an opportunity to fish yesterday from 12 till 7pm and pulled in 3 squids. There still about just harder to catch. I find when the tide is quite stable i.e. no run in or run out the squid tend to be better result.

    Hi all just wondering is catching squid in winter landbased any good? E.g Rosebay boat ramp as i have seen squid caught from there. Im planning on going there this friday night after work and does it matter on the tides? Thanks for any help

    Cheers Joe :1fishing1:

  8. ive caught similar in size as well. I caught 5 in total, gave a good fight... the squid was even taking line. Anyways mine turned out to be bit chewy ... took my biggest squid jig about 7 inches .. anyways good on ya.

  9. Hey Mate

    im now at work and couldnt get around working as yet. But still thinking of the NOTHING that happened to me last sat that passed.

    My nothing started like this

    1) 4 days during the week trying to catch fresh squid for Plan B squid fishing

    2) After packing the boat and rigging up we left the house at 4am with 2hrs sleep

    3) on the water by 6am launching from Pittwater we tried our squid location - only managed to get 1 squid

    4) Tried for live yellow tails only to get none as they were all getting eaten by trumpters or sweep.

    5) trolled the squid we got from the week before and our live squid - nothing

    6) unexpectantly our live squid got smashed but the whole squid was gone - no fish

    7) Fished some more trolled, anchored, drifted - nothing

    8) Tried prawns and nothing

    9) Squid strips on lighter tackled - nothing

    10) After seeing another fisho catching 4 kingies 5 meters away we got motivated but nothing touched our baits.

    11) Got more fuel and headed out to Umina beach for flatties - nothing

    12) Head to lion island - and nothing again excep throw backs

    13) NOw got some yellow tails

    14) Fresh yellotail bait and tried our kingie location again, and nothing

    NOThing nothing nothing was experienced by me too.

    Im now so flat from the weekend i seriously considering giving up. But i think a 2 week break may help me recover.

    Dam i feel you, sure sucks big time!

    Frustrated to the MAX!


  10. Mate

    i was out at Pittwater as well.

    Similar to you guys, lauched at Bayview and out to our squid location, managed to get only 1 after trying for about 2 hrs.

    We then tried yellowtails, could see them but our baits were being eaten by other small fish before the yellow tails could get to it.

    Well with 1 nice squid, we tried our for our kingfish. The sounder at one stage went off, and while trolling our squid i saw plenty of kingfish below us but wouldnt take our bait.

    Sorry to say - no kingfish.

    Not sure what im doing wrong but good to see you guys at least caught something.


  11. mate

    i was at the marina off spit bridge and saw a nice boat with blue lights beaming from beneath his boat. It made it looked awesome at night and definately visiable when not moving. It was so visible it caught my attention from the road.

    anyways im sure its ok to have more lights - my question is - does fish support it?

  12. Hey guys thanks for the advice!

    ill let you guys knwo how i go.

    Oh the squid under the Spit Bridge has been going off - been there for 3 nights this week and managed to get about 9 in total, plenty of smaller ones but they get spooked with the lures.

    Well wish me luck - goin to pittwater Sat morning for hoodlums


  13. Hi All,

    Hoping you fellow fishos out there could help.

    I have recently bought a sounder for my boat and would like some tips to finding fish. Knowing that all fishos dont reveal their spots - i thought at least some pointers in using the pointer may help.

    I have heard lots of stories with regards to kingies, jews, structures, live squid, yakkas and tides.

    After nailing the art of catching squid, yakkas - ( no down riggers yet), HOW can i find a good spot?

    If anyone out there could help with a GPS co-ordinate - that would be awesome, though any pointers in terms of what to look for on the sounder would be great.

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