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Posts posted by philip_the_fisher

  1. on a good overhead reel matched with a good general purpose rod for a boat and casting?? any estimates or links will be appreciated. the combo would be used for mostly jewies and other "larger" fish.

    cheers, phil

  2. im deadset, ive never caught a fish like it, i knew it was either a coral trout or a mangrove jack, it had the blue spots like a juvey snapper and a v tail, i doubted it was a coral trout but ever picture ive seen of it is identical to my fish. make your own assumptions but im sure it was a coral trout.

  3. thanks mate, no sorry i didnt get a pic but i originally doubted i would catch a coral trout so i figured maybe it was a mangrove jack, now i've narrowed it down to maybe a coral cod also, but the blue markings were less apparent then on alot of coral cod pictures ive seen, are coral cod as thick as coral trout because it was really thick for its size.

  4. hi all, yesterday at around 1130 i was fishing around 50 metres from a point directly opposite the patonga boat ramp, i was using chicken gut and thought i had a snag, i reeled it in with almost no fight and i caght a coral trout, only small about 20 odd cms but still a great surprise, i would never have ever expected or targeted coral trout at patonga, has anybody else seen coral trout in patonga or surrounding areas??

  5. hey all, i was just wondering how many raiders have aquariums and what species of fish you keep? and what experiances you have had with other species of fish?, myself i only have a few marron and small native guppies in my fish tank currently.

  6. I have absolutely no idea on kayaking and was wondering what style kayaks would be best for freshwater dams, and how much a basic kayak with paddle would cost,

    thanks, Phil

    p.s no real fancy gizmo's just a basic kayak so i can troll a lure.

  7. Hi all, about 3 weeks ago i caught a stingray on the Hawkesbury River, it was about 60cm wide and about 80 cm long. it was brown and had no tail/ barb. i was pulling the hook out and it shocked me, i didn't even make skin contact with it but was connected by the hook and my friend who pinned it down with a wet stick. my guess is static electricity, i never even knew that stingrays shocked people, does anyone have anymore info.

    p.s it wasn't a tiny shock and it went all the way up my arm and felt it through my chest and i couldn't move my arm when i was being shocked.

  8. i know who you mean, i went there this morning, hes got great deals, all i know is his shop is called Lithgow lures and tackle, hes at 65 Lett street, sorry i havent got a ph. or email of his. He sells reels, line, leader, fly gear, rods etc aswell. I think he has an ebay shop but i have only been to his store/shed. all his lures are for natives, mainly cod, trout and yellowbelly.

  9. hi all, just out of curiosity, do bag limits only mean for one day eg. if you camped and fished you could catch the legal bag limit each day, or do they mean that thats the maximum amount of those fish you can have on you at any time???

    cheers, phil

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