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Posts posted by philip_the_fisher

  1. :thumbup: A couple of months ago me and my dad went over to pretty beach for a fish. we set up and went out on flathead rock we went for 2 hours and in the first hour my dad caught 2 good size bream and in the 2nd hour i found out why they call it Flathead rock i caught 1 45 centimetre Flathead then soon after caught another 42 centimetre Flathead and soon after that a caught a 5-6 kilo Stingray. It was the best fishing i've ever encountered :1fishing1:
  2. I have fished wenty lake many time with my friends on the north side useing 7 gram tassie devils in traffic light colours and spinners but nothings ever been caught by any of us at all. I heard that NSW fisheries stocks it every year with 1000 brown trout 1000 rainbows and 1000 brook trout does anyone know if this is true and has anyone had much success at the wenty lake if so can you please tell me what you used and what part you fished.

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