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Posts posted by checch

  1. Hey Fishraiders,

    Went for a jig last week out 12mile and the peak, Jackets everywhere. lost a fair bit of gear but did manage a 13.5kg Kingy. Very stumpy but she was a barrel, like a fat NZ king. Also managed a massive nannygai on a Hawk jig. That was all she wrote and we headed back for Kingfish Sashimi and nice bbq lemon butter Kingy.

    The Kingys seem to be getting bigger compared to last year!

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  2. Mate would have loved to release the big fella but they just dont survive, its weird, only 28-30m of water and there stomachs blow up big time, very different to Sydney where I pull snapper from similar depths and there fine.

    Im still chasing up more photos, there just photos I took with my phone, will add soon.

  3. Hey Guys, just ran a trip down South Oz last weekend, Although the snapper season is slowing we still got a few big snapper.

    Went out two days with a charter, ran 30-40miles out into the gulf. Awesome weather for the two days.

    Biggest went 22+lbs and 98cm , next biggest was 87cm, and got a couple around that mark. also nearly bagged out on King George Whiting biggest going 54cm and 1.5kg it was a ripper.

    anyway thought id upload some photos.


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  4. Hi all,

    Headed out on Sunday morning through Botany heads, the swell had a huge period which made for an initial comfortable run out, then the wind picked up a little and with the raging currents we some pretty sharp seas.

    we hit the 70fathom line and the right rigger goes off screaming its tits off. I strapped on the gear and we had no idea what we were facing, fast blistering runs, the call was a bull dolly but it there was no breaching action, the fish was stubborn and after about 10mins the trace popped up, still no sign of the fish though which burried her head down, next thing she pops up and we see the beautiful electric blue bars across her, WAHOO!!! The gaff went in after a couple of attempts and we were extremely lucky that the hook pinned her in the corner of the jaw, she went 160cms and around 15-18Kg Very exciting..

    once the wind had subsided the swell calmed down and the sun decided to poke its head out, a beautiful afternoon was to be had. but not fish were found..

    Did happen to see someone in what looked to be about a 25ft bertrim hooked to a large marlin the went ape and then dove down, saw them fighting with what looked to be hours, with the currents at 3.5knots they would have ended up in Kiama if they didnt get her up...

    anyway a good day was had and my first ever wahoo! and catching her off Sydney made it all that much more memorable..

    Tight lines!!

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  5. I was going through my fishing photos and found an older picture from a while ago, while the deep sea fishing is pretty quiet i thought id post his up,

    Bar cod went 22kg and its still the boat record... didnt measure it up but its a good size Barrey... It ws my first bar cod and from 180m deep Dad told me to keep pumping the whole way not knowing that once you get them half way up you can back off and take it easy.. It was a solid effort from 180m and a great table fish to go with it... Cheers

    Sorry Guys this needs to go on the Brag Board not in Fishing Reports...


  6. Hey guys, I got a photo from a days fishing not too long ago, 2 boats went out and had a little fishing comp, 3 Blokes in each boat, 5pm weigh in, winning boat got a case of beer each, anyhow this is the combined catch, im spewing i didnt go out with them that day its a great catch... cheers


  7. We were out a few weeks ago and hooked a Marlin just inside of Browns, it was massive nearly spooled us on 37kg with the big tiagra 80, It stayed down deep and only jumped when it was 600-700m out, finally got it close ( could see the rubber band used to hold it to the rigger) then all of a sudden, pulled hook.. Was spewing ony got to see the thing jump in the distance, not to mention I still havent tagged One, do you guys rekon a blue or a stripe? The initial run was huge, when it stopped it came straight back at the boat and we thought we lost it then it again turned and went again, thats pretty unlike a stripe isnt it?

  8. Thats awsome... we were out at the FAD on Wednesday being there for all of 10 seconds we saw a big tail flick up out of the water, not sure if it was a shark or a Marlin but it was big and then dollies jumping out everywhere getting chased.. I looked into the water to see pieces of what looked to be dollie everywhere... We didnt even bother after that.

  9. Hey Guys and Girls...

    Went out last friday out off south Sydney and had abit of a jig on a big school we found... had to work really hard, drifted over the spot about 3 or 4 times for nothing, one more try... drop the Jig to the bottom and 2 turns later bang, the rod absolutely loads up, drag is locked up to full on the shimano trinidad, the fish managed to take a little bit of line, but i quickly managed to click my body into winch mode and take control, 5 minutes and we were only 10m off the bottom, eventually i gained a little and backed off the drag to make sure i didnt pull the hooks.. i know this was going to be a big fish, the lunges were backbreaking, half way up the fish took control and with one great big lunge i lost my footing n slipped. eventually i got the fish up and she measured up at 128cm and 15.6KG, now thats what i call a Hood..


  10. Hey all,

    went out off Botany Bay on Sunday, didnt leave home till around 8.30-9am as we were going to cube just past Browns thru Dusk.. Started of at a secret spot jigging, lost 3 jigs to the damn jackets, ended up moving spots and first drop my Brother hooked onto a rather large King which gave him a hellovalota grief. after a good fight, a 1m+ king was landed,


    We had abit of a bottom bash when something took Dads squid, it swum up really fast and wasnt till it saw the boat unti it turned and headed back down, we called it for a giant squid or a small shark, it was fighting really weird, something none of us could call, Ended up bringing in a 70cm King tooka a quick snap and released it..


    Bit of boat trouble saw us can the tuna trip and head home back in the bay by 4pm, all in all was a good day and the Brother got his fish of a lifetime..


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