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Posts posted by checch

  1. Nice King's , the reel looks like the 750FE as the 1000 is blue, the 750 is the next one on my list of gadgets ,

    what boat did your mate buy , from the pic of the bow rails looks like it might be a cat??


    Yer actually now u mention ishe has a ble and a red one and the blue one is much bigger...

    the boat is a MARKHAM 9800 cat, its a custom cat built to suit the needs of the owner, awsum outside..


  2. Hey i just purchased a x510c lowrance sounder and im looking for a transducer for it, as it didnt come with a transducer, i seem to be having trouble finding a suitable transducer

    any help would be great cheers Checch

  3. awsome effort billy haha just curious about that reel in the pic the red one looks like a digital big $$ reel with lcd screen wtf? i was like :1yikes: whats the go with that never seen one like that before?

    Its a Daiwa seaborg 750 or 1000. sumfin like that, may b a tanacom 1000.. not really certain.. but we use it for deep bottom bashing at 250m, its heartbreaking having to pull the line up manually so these bad boys are awsum..

    cheers, Billy S

  4. Well done Billy Slater junior!

    Sounds like a great trip, why was it stupid though?

    hahahahaha.. everyone says that.. I actually had one guy ask me for an autograph once.

    too many kms travelled in little time.. we drove overnight and done shifts, 2 of us tried to sleep and the other 2 drove, then we swapped.. was awsome experience.. very very draining being out on the water for about 48hrs though, very tough to sleep with the swell n stuff..

    those deadliest catch guys are truely nuts... haha

  5. Hey Guys,

    Headed up to the Gold Coast to drive a mates boat back down to Sydney after a big boat show, we ended up travelling from bribie island back down to botany bay.. while we were up there we found a very isolated wreck on the shelf with some big fish on the sonar..

    The current was running strong and we couldnt hit the spot with jigs the first time, decided to drop some baits and it was even worse.. eventually we headed north of the wreck and dropped our jigs backing up on our line so we were up and down.. Whamm!! im on, being up this way i had no idea what i was onto, it didnt feel massive but i had a Saltiga z6500 expedition and the Saltiga jig rod so the power the thing had was unbelievable.. it was a good 150m deep and after a good 5-10minute fight i brought up my first ever king.. not massive compared to the patches we saw down the but it was enough to put a smile on my face from ear to ear. down the drop 3 times for 3 kings, time was getting away and we needed to start our trip back to botany bay heads, hell of a long way away up here.. travelled from saturday morning right though to sunday afternoon only making a quick stop at nelsons bay to hear the weather down newcastle was was getting worse, so we were back on our way again. done some night fishing for a broadbill but nothing, water was really really dead, and looked like a muddy river, even all the way out at 450fm. must be all the rains up there. all in all a great trip and to get 3 kings was amazing.

    cheers, Checch




  6. I Just got myself a handheld Garmin 400c GPS, its awsome, with pre-loaded maps and all..

    I'm also looking for a decent sounder at the moment, but i guess if it finds structure theres gotta be fish right? so guess it doesnt have to be too detailed, meaning maybe a cheaper one is the way too go if your not sounding depths over 100-200m?

  7. Hey Checch,

    Everyone is YFT mad - I'm more interested in the deep reef and bar cod.

    I don't suppose any details thereof would be forthcoming, would they?

    I only ask as my back is not what it used to be. My days of catching 3 or 4 decent fin in a day are over.

    Now it's cranking the handles of the reef queen reel. I may only get to use them 3 times a year but I like them and it doesn't hurt the back....

    By the way, nice fin too.....

    Mate, i gotno idea couldnt tell ya, on our way from BB out to browns, came across a deep reef abot 150m and had a go at it, thats what we came up with

    stuff the fish... what a boat! :1yikes:

    how do i catch one of those? :biggrin2:

    Yer, top boat, its up at the Goldie for the big boat show at the moment

  8. Found A school of YFT launching out of the water a few weeks ago they we on the move and FAST! only small between 15-30KG but no doubt alot of fun!

    Trolled out to the shelf picking up a couple of stripies and little undersized dollie, on the hunt or a marlin or two, no luck on the way out, had a bottom bash at a reef we came across man was it deep, managed to hook onto some quite large nannygai and a 4-5kg bar cod. On the move out wide trying to find some good water we came across a school of YFT that wouldnt touch the lures or skirts we threw at them, decided to stop and cube up. Motors cut i was pumped to get into it, grabbed the first rod and started winding in the spread... Adrenalin pumping at the excited of my first YFT i was winding at a great rate, as soon as i got the lure to the boat and ready to grab the leader BANG!! im on, after a good 10 min battle i got my first YFT at around 15Kg, was quite excited it was awsum. Next we cubed for nothing, we deserately needed those livies we couldnt get this morning.. with a couple of dead looking nannygai in the LBT we hooked one up and sent her out as a livie, after 5mins or so the rod started screaming this one was better, managed a nice 30kg specimen, then we hooked up on a dead yakka next for an 18kg fin. it was getting late so we decided to call it a day and head back in.. great day out and managed some nice fish..







  9. Hey guys, headed over to bali myself in early june last year, went on a two hour fishing trip wind was howling, horrible day, managed a nice Dolly though. and the guys there had no idea what they were doin was quite funny. If you manage a good boat definately worth a crack!


  10. hey guys, first post..

    went out down the coast out kiama in my 385 quinrex explorer, was nice and sloppy for me and another mate of mine. got to my first spot in which i was only guessing by lad marks

    (makes things hard with no electronics) and what i thought was a nice little reef was actually a flathead ground in which we proceeded to catch just under sized flatties bringing two up at a time, we had a limited bait supply so i threw out a bait jig and hooked up to 3 very large slimies which are great fun on a small whiting rod, with fesh bait on board, i wanted to get ontop of this reef i knew of. 2nd time lucky for nothing.. 3rd time the charm, bang!! straight into it, brought up a 46cm Snapper first drop, bang! my mate hooks 2 sweep first drop, from then on we couldnt get our rods in quick enough, way too many slimies though, we use them in crab traps so brought a few home. for only 2hrs of fishing it was good fun, nothing too special, got a really good flathead and a couple of decent snapper, all in all a great mixed bag, for a great day doing what we love best.



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