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  1. heres a pic of the jew in question, hope this helps...
  2. my favourite is from a while back, made in 1992 "Kingfish Secrets" with Geoff Thomas it is mind boggling the size of the kings, and when i say mind boggling i mean it
  3. hey timmy, i done the same thing a couple of years ago with 10 mates for our schoolies trip. You wont be dissapointed. as telcobroker said jerusalem bay is a great place. At the entrance u can fish the holes for jews and flathead, further in to the left is pinta bay. Great place to get yakkas/squid/mullet and gars for bait. At the end of pinta bay are sand flats, u can pump nippers and play cricket on the sand at low tide. And ive had success further up the river at gunyah point recently for school jew up to about 4kg. Also, Troll bibed minnows up and down the shore around elenor bluffs during run up tide for tailor hope this helps matt
  4. good stuff mate...... i remember when i lost my kingy virginity..... what a feeling.... :yaho your report was a good read .... looks like those bastard pro's didn't get em all......(refer to link) Bring on the hoodlums..... http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/inde...?showtopic=8808
  5. hey mondo, i read the same thread the other day and was pissed to say the least............ I've been out with pete on his charter and he was saying it happens all the time in pittwater. It's a real shame, and the same mongrels have a cry when the area doesnt fish as well for them as it did 10-15 years ago. My misius and i were on a houseboat last summer for a week and saw at least 4-5 pro boats a day in the hawkesbury. (We didnt catch a thing - probably wasnt all their fault) The worst of it is you go to the fish markets and see jewies that dont even pass for 40cm........ what a joke......
  6. youon?

    Pb Jew

    deadset ripper of a jew mate....congrats...
  7. top catch mate Hope you can keep them coming.......... That deserves many a
  8. check out these threads from last week if you already have'nt......hopefully they will prove usefull http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/inde...?showtopic=8511
  9. Ahh, the art of one handed typing..... With the work i do i here that all the time......"And i've even met the bloke".......
  10. Lizard, im not sure how to tell but i can say it sounds like it might have been poisoined. My holiday house is on the water front on brisbane waters. There are mangroves and gum trees in front of our house, but none which block the view. But the house to my left have huge gumtrees blocking the views and over the last couple of years the mangroves and gumtress seem to be dying off. No doubt from being poisioned to raise the value of the houses. It hase prompted Gosford City council to put up a sign saying tree and mangrove vandalism is a crime. And the fines reach $440,000 if your caught.....OOOuchhh
  11. hey goofball, the dvd is great and relevent to all the places you fish....... they are all featured in the dvd and a pretty good watch. As for bait, if you live in penrith, you probably best of going to a fishing store in st marys. He has great fresh frozen hawkesbury squid. Its the only frozen squid baits ive seen where the eyes are still greenish/blue......i've also caught kings on said bait............ the bloke who owns the place made the jewfish dvd with greg joyes so he should be able to give you even more pointers. pm me if you want the web address.......good luck
  12. LOW DOGS.................... People who steal should be shot I wonder how the theiving bastards would go with a couple of 20/0's (do they exist???) through their backs
  13. 1st post - nice one Like most of the other blokes already told you must be fishin in the wrong place, and with negativity like that - rightly so -
  14. to the site bisso............ hope you enjoy the site, i find it very useful and entertaining........... Anyways, i have been fishing brizzy waters for the last 5 years and only in the last 2 years have i really fished it alot. At least 3 times a month, and your exactly right, it is the cleanest it been and not to mention that the fishing is really starting to pick up in the last 2 years compared with other seasons, and i think its safe to say ??? that is due to the close on commercial fishing many years ago...... Some of the areas that have been firing for me latley have been ; 1. Rip Bridge - using fresh squid strips and chicken breast & parmasan cheese for big flounder eg.28-30cm, soapie jews, burley a must.....fish around tide changes coz otherwise it runs to hard 2. All Channel Markers south of the rip, on the run out tides at dusk, big bream - action only lasts 15 - 20mins but its usally a fish a cast and they're usally all decent. Burley heaps 3. Wharfs - Wagstaffe, Pretty Beach, squid on 1.5 yo zuri's in green, and burley up for livebait. eg. Yellowtail and mullet - your son should love catching those little bait fish and hopefully you can turn it into a monster jew or flathead..... 4. Andersons channel - burley up and drift the channel useing a wide varitey of baits and sp's for best results especially for large flathead........ best on run out & around low tide change all the spots ive mentioned you can fish with your son and always produce a feed for me. Just need to gather some bait before a session eg. nippers, squid and as long as u use fresh baits all the spots should not dissapoint....hopefully.... ps. use bigger baits as there are some pickers and these spots for the next month at least shouldnt see huge boats everywhere........ I feel your pain bisso as i fish the are in an 8ft tinney............. Good luck
  15. Thats a joke gav.......... i feel for u especially when its practically in your backyard...... 83 ??? and fisheries did nothing when u called it in ?? thats an even bigger joke. just like knapers i would serously consider cutting them loose too, especially since fisheries seem to be doing bugger all..........
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