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Everything posted by cameron@readprojects.com.au

  1. Heading down to Narooma wend 5 & 6 july so has anything been caught lately. I was thinking of heading for a Tuna or two
  2. I went out about 4 weeks ago with my cousin and mate from Kincumber, it was approx 7.30 am so daylight. We stopped just out side the river mouth, so in Pittwater to rig up our rods and while my cousin and I were getting them ready my mate who is a newby to fishing decided to have a few castes with a SP. Anyway we were head down and the second cast he has ever thrown with a SP the bugger yells that he is on. He fights this fish for 5 mins and finally gets it to be boat. He calls for the net and we land a very nice Hairtail approx 1 m in legth. Non of us could beleive it with the size if the teeth and we were using 20lb fluro leader as we were going after kings. It was a great way to start the trip.
  3. Just about anywhere on the river, good spost that I found, where on the point near the caravan park and just under the second bridge to Noosaville just down from the caravan park. You get small GT's, Flathead and other
  4. I finally managed to get the family away for a two week break, and we went to Byron for a couple of days, Noosa for 10 days and stopped in at Crescent Head on the way back to break up the drive for me. My wife wont drive far with the boat on. So we got to Noosa after no surf in Byron and I went out on a charter. I have never fished Noosa even though I have been there several times. Anyway I took my 8 year son with me as it weas the same price and a great oppurtunity for some male bonding. Had a great time Phippsy new his stuff, new ther spots, the fish and only fished with plastics. Headed out at 5 am as there is no daylight saving so it was still dark. Headed to the first spot nothing only was there for 10min. Headed to the second spot nothing. Headed to the third and the tide was rushing out the river system at this stage. Water was murcky on side and clear the other. He had said that there had not been anything much caught over the previous week. So we started to flick SP (Pumpkin seed - Gulps) and next thing my son who has never fished with plastics yells that he is on something, pulls a small Jewie approx 30cm his first. It is also the one that I am desperate to catch. So we take the photos and put him back. He thens yells out about 5 mins later that he is one again, pulls up a nice 60cm one. Still undersize so just photos and send him back. Thats 2 - 0. So we keep flicking SP's then all of sudden the line starts screeming of my light gear and I have a great fight that lasts a good 15min and as the fish comes out of the murck Phippsy calls and GT, but as we land it, it was a Golden trevally that went 65cm. I have never caught one, he tells me they are great eating so in the box it goes. We keep trying this spot but more and more boats are arriving and going past, so onto another spot. This time we are there a good 10min and my line starts to scream agian. It is moving through the water alot fast and then all of a sudden it jumps and flcisk it's head about. Tarpon. I land it and it goeas 50cm, not much at eating so photos and back it goes. We then spend the next couple of hours catching 15 Tarpon landing 8 and having a ball as they all take a good 10mins to land. My son who at this stage has developed a good cast and was doing well on his own so that I could fish. He yells that he is on again and starts to play one of tarpon, lots of jumps and blinding runs. He manages to boat the fish and it goes a good 75cm. The biggest of the day. At this stage the wind comes up and thats the end of our day anyway. We did a 3/4 day charter $300 that started at 5 over by 11, so my wife was really happy as we had the rest of the day. The next couplde of days we did not get much fishing as the weather was bad but my son and I got out one other tiem and I got myself a nice diamond Trevally that went a good 45cm. So all up a really trip and highly recommend the charter. I will add the other photos when I can find the camera
  5. As we all had the PH I thought I would take my Dad and Son out on the harbour for the first outing of the season. Slept through the alarm, so only got out of bed at 7.15, had meant to be at Tunks by 6, but what do you do. Had promised the Hugs and Kisses that we would be home by lunch, so even less fishing time. Bloody Daylight savings!!!! Rang the old man and said we were on the way but had to stop for fuel, as we drove out of the petrol station saw the sign for bait, Bugger left ours at home, stopped and bought more. Got to the ramp about 8.15 and got on the water. It was like mud after the rains, so we did not hold much hope but better on than off the water. Headed to our fav yellow tail spot and anchored, berlied and started to catch fish, nothing exciting but fish were coming over the side. Happy days. Then I looked to Nth Head and the storm was coming, reckoned I had a good 20 mins before we got wet. So we packed up and by that stage it started to pelt down at this stage realised that I had left my new wet weather jacket at home as well as my sons. Bolted to hide under Spit Bridge, anchored off the side to ride out the rain, soaked through, Police came and told us to move on. By this stage the rain had stopped so we thought we would try again. As my son is getting into fishing thing we thought we would just have some fun so back we went. Got him going with one of those Jap bait rigs and we used hand lines. He smashed us. I thought I had a good one and did for a 30cm black bream. We then went on to get bone fish, wrasse, squires, sweep, trevalla, and many other varieties but no yellow tail. Just as we called stumps my son hooks what looks like a cracker and was a 37cm Black Bream. What day turned out to be, boated over 40 fish, two keepers and home in time for the H & K
  6. I am heading up there for the weekend with a boat any advice on some good spots. Dont care what to cath just haapy fishing but would not mind some kings or jews Camo
  7. Are there any brag mats and beanies still available Cameron
  8. We planned after reading all the various reports on jew fishing that last night was the night. The tide, moon and everything were at the right time that we could sneak out for a couple hours after work and see what we could get and still be home by 12pm. I managed to get under the Harbour bridge by 4.30pm and set myself up while my Dad and Brother-in-law had to stay at work unitl later. Had the place to myself so I was not sure if it was the spot but thought what the, I'll keep going anyway. Enjoyed the view of the city and seeing the tourists coming down to take photo's while I enjoyed the beautiful day and wettng a line plus a couple of beers. Not much to report back on at this stage for all the burleying and effort other than a small LJ and cockney. So i thought i would throw a suid jig and see what happend as I only had prawns for bait as my Dad was bringing the rest of the bait. after about 10mins caught a perfect jew bait sized squid just as I was getting the big line ready anyway. So in it went. The boys arrived and we sat and waited and waited and burleyed and waited. Drink more beer had a great pizza, watched the city change under darkness, still nothing. Then other fishos arrived and started squiding with some mixed results for them but nothing for us. Dad finaly had enough at 10pm and packed up and left. He jokingly said that we would catch something now that he was leaving. How right he was. Litteraly 2 mins after he left my big line with the squid on it starts to walk line out slowly. I grab it just as it starts to drag the whole rod over the side and then the line starts really moving out. This was a big fish and I could feel the thump of each tail stroke so I am thinking what I have a got myself into. I start to gain line slowly and it wants to run under the wharf so I have to climb to the other end while holding my rod and keeping pressure o the line. So I get to the end of the wharf and gain more line and this shadow starts to come out of the dark water and I am hoping its a jew. My BIL is climbing down to me with our small net just as i get to see the size of this thing and say to him that it wont fit in the net. I manage to climb back to the other end of the wharf were the steps are with my BIL winding in his line and him saying that he has something big on as well. so I have to hold mine off so he can land his first. At this stage we have a crowd of tourists watching as I finally get to see that I have caught a very large Port Jackson Shark I would guess 1.5m diffenetly over the 1.2m mark and my BIL has also caight a smaller PJ Shark. I woudl guessw the 1 - 1.2 meter mark. We manage to get them onto the stairs but we were not quick enough to grab a camera but just as we got them onto the steps the leaders break as we were only using 40lb mono and they swam away happy. We were so happy that this was a great way to end the night and after saying that we would not fish there again we will be back as it was our first time there.
  9. It was Mount Druitt Pool, Yes they were hatchery fish so the live bait or any of the other baits did not get touched had not thought about that before So we will try again next year with pellets and power bait. It is on every year and if you sign on to blacktown councils website you can be notified for next years event.
  10. First post but I thought while it might seem like shooting into a barrell I took the kids and a couple of mates fishing at Mt Druitt Swimming pool last night. Each year they fill it with Rainbow trout 1 - 2 kilo range. They charge you $11 for an Adult and $5.50 for kids and I must admit it was stressfull with 3 adults to 5 kids but it was fun. It quite was not shooting into a barrel as there were many that went home empty handed as did 2 adults and 5 kids. I was the only one to score a 43 cm 1 kilo male raindow trout. A PB for me. We sat next to a couple of blokes that pulled in 5 within the 1 hour time limit to take home the most of all the people fishing that session. They caught 10 the night before. We found out after that they booked the three sessions each night fror the two weekend and they found the bait that works. Sherbert Trout power bait. We had the green version with live worms, live goldfish, fake worms, and fake maggots but forgot the live crickets at home. So we are up for next year as they have been doing this for 21 years already, we are going to book the three sessions on the night we go and leave the kids at home. We have serious fishing to do. trouble uploading so next time
  11. Nice flatties can you tell me approx where you found the drop off as I am heading up tere is a couple of weeks Cheers
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