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Posts posted by addictfisherman

  1. I dont bother using a sinker because of the amount of gear i lose is crazy :wacko: but i do get mainly tailor and reef fish like wrasse and groper off the rock. also blackfish and drummer. if your looking for bream or flathead move over to the groynes.


    thanks for the info grouper , jewgaffer, and regarding to a.dawg i have looked on google earth there are some openings , which there arn't rocks infront of that and im guessin there wont be alot of snags compare to other platforms . but i am plannin to fish with float and livies on it . cheers

  2. hey guys was just wonder if anyone fished at kurnell rocks before , and what kind of speices do you catch over there and is safe to fish on the rocks ?and would i be able to use lures such as poppers or spinners . As due to many trips coming home empty handed , needed to know if this spot is any good so would hoping to get a fish or two .cheers

  3. I seen a school of kings come through while fishing off bundeena warf early morning quite a few years back, and the most undeserving tool on the entire jetty sumhow managed to hook on, get this- on CHICKEN BREAST FILLET SOAKED IN ANISEED OIL. He was walking around the jetty being a downright pain to everyone there and his rod nearly went over the edge until my mate caught it. Then after reeling in this just on legal king (size limit then was 60cm), he had his tool box of a mate laying on his stomach over the edge of the jetty with a short gaff swinging it all around and smacking the water like a mad man. It was clearly a "had to be there" moment. Point is- Kings do frequent there during the summer months, but i wouldnt go there specifically targetting them. Its more a whiting/stingray/pike/livebait/squid/millions of baby snapper kind of spot.



    oh thanks , i will have different sorts of bait on the day , so ill give everything a crack hope to score myself a king. thanks

  4. hi all fellow raiders, just thought i make a member for this forum its soo interesting and helpful and i've been reading all the post and it has helped me most of the fishing i've done.

    guys i wuld just like some pointers on bundeena if that is okay :thumbup: and this is a spot we hav'nt fish at yet, and me and a couple of mates planning to trek over there for the weekend so has anyone fished there b4 and wat sort of fish can u catch there and bait etc. And was wondering if u can fish at the far right of the jibbon beach where the rocks are?.

    thanks all , happy fishing! . Thanh.

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