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  1. Hi Nick, I had the same problem with my boat, especially when doing alot of reversing or slow trolling. It ended up that the water was getting in through where the engine mounting blots go through the hull. The water usually doesn't reach the blots when in forward motion or when stopped. Some Sikaflex fixed the problem. Hope this helps. Stephen
  2. Bucket

    Come On Board

    One has to wonder why she thought it necessary to remove the cars keys from the car and take them with her. I'm pretty sure it is parked in a secure area.
  3. Has anyone one been up to Lake Lyall recently, as I am hoping to get up there for the APEC long weekend? Is the water over the ramp and are they letting boats in it. More importantly, are the fish biting? Thanks Stephen
  4. Bucket


    THE SHARK !!
  5. Here are some more.... The river has broken the banks in most places. This was the jetty to get onto the Nepean Belle The brand new river walk near the weir just had a bath.
  6. Hello people.. After all the rain I made my way down to the river to see if the weed was was getting swept away. First I headed to Tench Reserve boat ramp. I saw this :- And closer up. Anyone who has fished the river will understand the huge amount of water that is there. For everyone else i'm trying to search my pictures to find a normal water level picture. Just to give you an idea the pontoon on the left has two levels. This may help After seeing that, I jumped into the car and headed straight for the weir. WHAT WEIR !!!! The first depression on the smooth water is where the weir is ... From the looks of the river all the surface weed has been cleaned out but I imagine the weed that is rooted will slowly die from the reduced sunlight and lack of settled nutrience. FINGERS CROSSED. I have more pictures if your interested. Stephen.
  7. Well done, I have fished the river most of my life and 55cm is the biggest fish I have ever heard being caught in the river above the wier. So 50cm is a great fish for the river... well done...
  8. Bucket


    It is a great experience when "nature" just happens in front off you. All the regulations on approaching Whales and Dolphins can be found here. Approaching Whales and Dolphins Cheers Stephen
  9. Bucket

    Driving Goggles

    I use some normal stylish safety glasses that you can get from hardware stores. They are around $15 - $20 so it isn't the end of the world if they go overboard.
  10. Well done Leigh... !! You could open your own fish market with that lot. Stephen
  11. Hi Guys, The old man and myself are going try something different this weekend (getting away from the Bass) and try to pick up something worth while around Smiths Creek \ Cowan. Would be greatful for any suggestions of spots that we can pickup some yellowtail around that general area. Would really prefer not to make the trip to West Head and back since the plan is to put in at Apple Tree. Any help would be great. Stephen
  12. Hi Domza, I have never had anyluck with the Tassie Devils or their replicas on the Nepean, you tend to get snaged more then anything with them in the river. The Celta's will work with the Bass, the bigger fin the better at the moment. The pink diving lure will also work a treat, depending on the water colour. With all the rain earlier in the week the water may be too dirty for bright colours. In the end Bass are pretty aggressive and with strike at anything if they are hungry or annoyed. I'm going to give the river another go on Saturday arvo, got blown and scared off the river last weekend due to the approaching storms. Stephen
  13. Well the old man, my sister and myself are going to do a dusk popper session on Saturday. Hopefully, the biggies are in the mood and hunting for the insects. Will probably be on the river at 5 pm and heading back just after sun down. Stephen
  14. Hey Domza, Go with Stewy's info and you should have a great time. Just a few cents more. As for lures, Bass will eat anything when they want to, the problem is getting them to. I have been fishing the Nepean quite often lately and have found that it is not the colour but the action of the retrieve that is causing the hook ups. One other thing I suggest you do is crush the barbs on the trebles, there are 1000's of aquarium Bass at the moment in the river. Using barb less trebles will keep you from alot of time wasting trying to get the little suckers off. As for eating Bass from the river, personally I wouldn't. The only flow is coming from the Warragamba River and it isn't much, and there is some bad "mojo" in there. Drifting is the go, however if you are getting pushed around by the water skiers then keep heading upstream. You will hit an 8 knot zone which keeps most of them out. I'm just waiting till we get some serious rain and they open the dam !!! Then the trout lures are coming out to play. I love your map !! What program is it from ? Cheers Stephen.
  15. Bucket

    Losing Anchors

    I can see it now, earning your first million by retreiving anchors.
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