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Everything posted by powersalt

  1. hi, would like to know if anyone out there knows any boat rental place besides rosebay. eg, in botany bay? etc any help will be appreciated cheers
  2. i think for me prawns work better for breams. used tat instant bait b4 in the cooks and mosman to no avail. not a single touch. i dunnoe if i'm doing the right thing but my mate n me had no luck with that thing. lol.
  3. cheers for the reply guys. will put in more effort for the jew fishin n hopefully be able to crack the 2nd 1.
  4. hi guys, i was wondering, what is the best season for jew? some people say summer others winter. i dunnoe which 1 is true, but i have caught 1 mini jewie say ard 45cm, in autumn (must be a fluke). And that is my first jewie up till now throughout my 3 years of fishing experience in sydney.lol. its a shame.hehehe. so, any advices from the pros out there to improve my chances? cheers
  5. cheers guys, didnt noe jwie love slow retrieves.
  6. hi guys, hav anyone outhere caught jewies using hardbodies ? if yes, wat is the the best retrieve to entice them and does any1 hav any recomendation on the brand and type of lure? cheers
  7. thanx for the advise guys, ill hit the cooks again 2morow so will try some of the given advise. hopefully will b able to bag a bream or 2
  8. saga, tats a nice bream overthere, didnt noe tat bream will hit such a big HB. btw thanx for the info dude. Ken A, by saying tat u fished against the current does tat mean tat u r retrieving it against the current or casting it against the current? thanx
  9. hi guys, i fished the cooks often and have been using sp to target breams.No doubt its an effective way. But i believe it would be pretty nice if i could target them on harbodies as well. So recently i went to buy some known bream catcher hardbodies (ecogear sx 40 and 48). I've bn trying some different retrieves such as straight steady retrieve and jerky retrieve but to no avail . i noe tat those breams r there cause when i switched back to sp i would sometimes detect bites n perhaps score a few as well. so , are there any special retrieve technique tats effective for breams? thanx
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