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Everything posted by fish40

  1. HI Guys A quick post as I have an indoor game to get to. Went down to Port Hacking this morning with my son Joe,[ let him miss school as we needed some dad/son time]. Anything to get him away from the x box. Any way went to two bait stores to get blood worms for a small bag of bits. It would have to do. We had about 2hrs worth of bait Which we ended up with 5 Whiting Between 30cm to 33cm and 3 Bream 27cm. We then switched to plastics for some small travally which most were released keeping one. All of a sudden Joe lets out a yell with the real screaming, his onto something a bit better. After a ten minute fight a nice Travally of 56cm was in the net, not bad for 2kg braid and 2kg leader. All in all A great day out for us boys [ we need more time with our kids]. Till next time Marc and Joe.
  2. Over the flats Rob, in fact the water depth was ony 30cm. Marc. Yes Slinky its A Rebel one of only two I own. Marc.
  3. HI guys. Put the 385 explorer in at Dolans Bay for my first go at whiting on poppers. Using a 50mm Rebel pop r with 2kg fluorocarbon on 3kg braid. The going was tough untill the tide changed with just a talor for my effort. Then at 8:30am the switch was thrown and my first whiting was on, a small fish of 28cm. For the next hour the action was consistant with the whiting getting bigger, with a few just undersize bream to keep me on my toes. all in all a good morning with 5 whiting from 28cm to 38cm. 6 bream for 1 keeper of 27cm and 1 talor. As for my first go at whiting on poppers to say I was stoked is an understatment. Till next time . Marc.
  4. Hi Guys 1st post so please bear with me. Launched my 385 explorer at Dolans Bay to a surperb morning. Proceeded to throw plastics (Gulps & squidgys) for 2 undersize bream, 2 undersize flathead, 1 trev, 1 flounder. As the morning wore on the toads were taking a toll on my plastics so I switched to a bargin bin paddletail plastic (Evercatch). And to my surprise caught my 1st whiting on soft plastic not only 1 but 3 31cm, 38cm and a massive 43cm. Left my camera at home, so I have to figure out how to retrieve from my mobile and forward on later. All in all a fantastic day.
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