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Posts posted by mbolton@jsg.com.au

  1. Thanks mate, i have actually been catching a lot of Trevors up at south west arm lately... i thought it was odd as well.i didn't know what it was, when i was fighting it because i was using waitless nippers for Bream and i knew if it was a bream it would have to be on steroids!!

    Thanks for the advice guys cheers, mick :)

  2. Morning Juzz,

    I don't know how well a stinger hook would work on a live bait, but you never actually said you were losing a live bait i think the mullet would die pretty quickly if you used a stinger live and it wouldn't really swim.

    But if you're using a dead mullet sure rig it how ever the hell tou want just make sure you conceal the hook well where possible.

    Your assumptions for the size restrictions are pretty much correct yes under 15cm you can only use for live bait, with a bag limit of 20, and sea or Bully mullet are over 30cm, and also a bag limit of 20.

    Im not sure why the gap in between apparently at juvenille age, it is extremely dificult to tell the difference between the many different species of mullet but i think only Sea, Bully Mullet may be of only one species of Mullet, as the word Poddy really only refers to the juvenille in any species.

    This would explain the gap as well i hope this helps mate, in my head it sounds good and i think i may be correct :)

    Best Regards, Cheers and Beers!!!!

    Mick :)

  3. Thankyou very much for the time in your response Jewgaffer,

    so it looks like it will have to be lugarno after all, i have been fishing all my life but only recently started to take it more seriously, so any information i get on questions i ask is a blessing, and yes i do uderstand what you mean about the river the very upper reaches of the Georges River appear to be a very industrialised version of the rivers former self.

    Cheers, Mick! :)

  4. Haha cheers mate great to meet you too im sure i'll see you around in the future i think im going to start trying Kelso Beach soon for the blackies it's my home fishing spot i know all the rock structure pretty well so i cold fish there low tide or high only problem is i know the current and if you slip on those rock you wont be able to stop yourself from being swept over at least a small ditance..

    Good to hear you had a good catch, cheers and beers MIck! :)

  5. I think it depends what your preference is mate i prefer braid for flicking plastics and hard bodies because i can really feel every little nip and i think it's easier to tell the difference between a snag and a bite.

    but i like mono because it's less visible and if you get a heavy strike on a stiff tipped rod i feel more comfortable knowing how close it is to breaking because of the stretch :)

    If you're using the right rod it's action and reaction to the strike should be as good as you need to set the hook anyway :)

    Cheers and beers, Mick :beersmile:

  6. It's where the fun is for me mate the more fight, the longer the battle, the harder to get the fish in.

    All the better for me i find it annoys the @#%& out of me when i get a snag though it's practically imposible to get it off because the line is soo light!! :ranting2:

    Cheers Mick! :thumbup:

  7. Just a simple question to ask people because i have been playing with targetting specific species lately.

    it's obviously the smarter tactic anyway haha.

    Anway moving on.... does anybody have any insight into how far whiting may travel up the Georges river?

    i have caught them up as far as Deepwater Motor Boat Club but only little tiddlers im more reffering to very decently sized does anybody know any excellent or even average areas to catch good sized ones As fa as i am, up the Georges or how far up good sized ones are?

    Any and all simple answers welcome even if it's only a personal experience....

    Cheers in advance guys...


  8. Interesting post mate haha, i don't even use waders my mate and i half the time go out bare foot and in boardies up to chest deep in cold water been thinking about getting waders i work for Aprilia and moto guzzi so i get the water proof jackets they sell to keep me warm off rocks they're really thick and because thy're water proof they're also wind proof.

    Cheers, Mick.

  9. The problem i have found with searching for exclusive product and exclusive overseas locations, is that there will only be 1 or 2 words in english that come in with your search you would need an official map or english site to show you around Tokyo most likely im afraid.

    Cheers, Mick :)

  10. Afternoon Gangles,

    What was the water temp? what rigs were you using what were the actual water conditions in the coming weeks before you went? what were the different baits you tried? what is the actual rock plat form like?

    Im sorry im not too familiar with the rocks out that way, but when fishing off the rocks i like to be very accurate in what im targetting and find it pays off more, i find the most effective time of the rocks is with warm water temp and after a big storm or swell, snapp off the coast will come in and feed on all the carnage and scraps and broken rock life destroyed by these big swells.

    Have you tried fishing for some blackies or drummer you can use some greenweed and a float set it deep and drift it around? again im sorry im not to sure what is out that way..

    you would probably have more luck off a boat though because i also find that when fishing near rock outcrops i never really like to have the bait resting right on the bottom to let your bait flow a little more naturally from land you could maybe have a very long tace a meter meter and a half?

    Only problem with this around rocks can be the snags, have you tried live bait at all? If it's too rough and too shallow you wont have too many fish right up close to the outcrop.

    The only place i have ever fished out Batemans Bay way is Mosquito Bay And i enjoy fishing there so i have never really tried anywhere else up rivers that area im not sure haha sorry mate hope some of this helps.

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