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Posts posted by Richie

  1. Advantages

    - Feel every touch in the water

    - Strong and smaller diameter

    - No stretch

    This is correct, you will cast alot further as well.

    - Suitable for fast taper rods only

    I've never heard this for braid. I've heard this for casting SP's though.

    - Line buries into spool

    This can happen if you don't wind the line on the reel with a bit of resistance (like a fish on the other end :D). I've never had a problem with it.

    - Hard to setup drag after using mono line for years

    This sounds like something someone would say to justify not making the switch.

    - You need to run a mono leader (defeats the purpose of no stretch)

    20m of mono has a lot of stretch, 2m has very little. If you're worried, just use the crystal fireline.

    - Cuts hands and guide

    Possible I guess on handlines and cheap rods. I have a rod with ceramic guides from the 80's that handles braid well. Most reputable rods these days come with decent guides. Even if you do have a cheapie, it cost little to change the guides yourself.

    Personally I made the switch to braid and was awesomely surprised. But in the end it is all about what you feel comfortable doing. There is no need to justify it. The best advice is to try it for a while and if you don't like, go back. Same could be said for alot of things really.

    Cheers mate,


    EDIT: Fixed up quoting

  2. Hi Raiders, went out with three mates this morning. Hopes of success were high after recent sensational sessions however today was a miserable failure. Got a dozen or so squid and took off for Mollie. Had two kingy bites but failed to connect. We didn't even look like turning a reel after that. No one else seemed to be doing any good so we pulled the pin. Should've slept in :1prop:



    Hi dude,

    A day out on the water with three mates? Doesn't sound like a failure to me :D It just sounds like you didn't catch any fish is all.

    Any idea why they were off bite?

  3. The other way to test if a pair of sunnies are polarised is to look through two lenses at the same time. There should be no light coming through.

    There is a whole fly-fishing fraternity devoted to "Polaroiding". Like said previously, after a rod, reel and basic tackle; polarised sunnies are the go. I use a pair I bought at the local Cancer Council Shop. They have a lot more eye coverage than my everyday sunnies (and they cost $35 so I can afford to lose them).


    EDIT: I R speeling jeanius

  4. Hrmmm... Am I the only one who still uses a knot?! :(

    I must be getting old... :05:

    I use a lefty's loop or a penny knot (at night because you can tie it by feel) but I can tie them up in seconds. I just snip the old knot out and tie the new fly (or lure) on.

  5. hi all i just got myself a 1-3kg rod which is just great but i had the rod in the car today bumped it and broke the tip :1badmood::1badmood: it is a 2 piece rod my question is can i just replace the top piece or do i have to buy a whole new rod all i have used in the past is 1 piece or never broken a 2 piece so i dont know

    cheers mick

    Give a shop a call. Depending what brand they should be able to help.

    Also, a lot of home and contents insurance policies will cover accidental breakage of sport equipment even while outside.

  6. Hey guys,

    Looking for a change in scenery this spring/summer and plan on heading up to seal rocks for a weekend (or 2) fishing off the rocks. Heard alot about this place and wouldnt mind checking it out.

    Anyone know this area well? If so, what can I expect in terms of likely catches, access, etc? I'll be taking plenty of gear (light and heavy) to suss the place out so I'll be on the hunt for whatever is available, apart from those ugly sweep! :thumbdown:

    Will be heading up for a drive soon just to check it out - ok, I guess I'll take my spin stick just in case! :biggrin2: - but will appreciate any info anyone can offer on this place.



    Hi RH,

    Be careful up there as a majority of the area is now a marine park.


    There was no rhyme or reason for it, let alone a sound scientific basis or justification. But it's there and we have to live with it. /rant



  7. Well, such a warm welcome ,Thanks to all for their greetings.

    To Rubes, Yes mate it has everything to do with bananas being bad luck at sea, Keep an eye out for me at terrigal ramp as i launch there all the time, just look for the old seafarer 1/2 cab called 'NO BANANAS'

    see ya on the water! Bruce

    Cool, I thought you may have had an unnatural fear of ABC children's television characters. Not that I'd blame you, come of them are creepy :D

    Welcome to the site dude.

    EDIT: Bestest speeler evar!

  8. Can anyone recommend a book that outlines all the different trout fishing locations around NSW, here was one called trout streams and rivers of mainland Australia but it out of print.


    Trout streams of mainland Australia by Bill James?

    $45 ex tax at www.biblioz.com (Online out-of-print book retailer)


    Also, bookfinder has 2 used copies:


    AFN also publish a more specific guides for trout in the Snowy.


    Hope this helps.

  9. finally caught something on sp's!!!!!!!!! haha...

    went out on sunday morning to botany bay to the oil wharf and caught HEAPS of taylor. they were schooling chasing white bait, birds were diving. didn't even cast near the action as my sp was sinking BANG is on the run. taylor were in 40cm length. lost heaps of my 5'' pink and white minnows. they demolished the lures. came up with out tails. fun day with sp's!! sorry guys no pics

    You've had your first taste... Now the addiction sets in...

    Well done dude.

    The next stop - fly fishing :P



  10. hi guys have started using sp's over the past few months, but not sure if im using the correct size hooks for the sp's im using. I use as light as possible in the weights,but just wondering what size hooks i should be using for the following

    -gulp 3" minnow

    -gulp 3" minnow grub

    -gulp 2" minnow grub

    -gulp sandworms

    targeting bream

    all help appreciated

    thanks in advance


    Hi Daniel,

    For bream I usually use a fine gauge chemically-sharpened 1/32 keel size 2 jig when there is no wind for all the above. If there is a wind I'll use a heavier head.

    I'm of the school, "Bigger hooks catch bigger fish but smaller hooks catch all the fish" :)

    Cheers mate,


    EDIT: Dodgy speeling

  11. Hi dude,

    You're right, fly can be quite challenging at first.

    The best advice anyone can give to someone first starting out is to shell out for some casting lessons. There are a few guy's out there who are really good at getting you on the right track.

    The only other thing I'd advise is to try and steer clear of the e-bay specials... A crappy rod and line will have you walking away in disgust. There is a good kit in http://www.fishraider.com.au/fishing-artic...-flyfishing.php

    As for catch rates, the others speak true. One thing... When fish start feeding on small "eyes", tie on an eye-fly and you'll be pissing your mates off impressing your friends by being the only one with fish on. Unless your mates flyfish too :D

  12. I joined the Sydney flyrodders Club and this provided immense help in finding fish and learning to fly fish.

    Golden words there.

    The guy's in the club will let you cast their rods and give you some instruction. There is also some really good second hand gear available on occasions.

    BM, I'm a member too... How often do you go?


  13. A neat trick with braid is to use your spare spool when loading.

    - Wind the braid directly on to your spare spool. When you have reached the end of your braid, tie on your mono.

    - Wind your reel until you have filled your reel up to taste (I like about .5 to 1 mil off the lip).

    - Swap the spools and tie the mono from the spare onto your primary spool.

    - Wind with some *constant* pressure applied to the spare spool and voila! A perfectly wound spool!

    If you don't use constant pressure when winding, you can get undercuts and loops. Not good.


  14. I always thought that you were meant to have a heavier leader than main line??

    Use a heavier leader for abrasion resistance around rocks, oysters, coral, etc.

    Lighter ones when fish are spooky, clear water, in areas of heavy fishing pressure, etc



  15. As we all are probably aware, next year we have the NSW state, as well as the federal election.

    When I go to the booth, I want to know the person that gets my vote is going to do the best by me.

    I don't want to start a fit shight over this topic, I want to keep it fishing only please.

    What parties are the most supportive of the recreational fishing community? Which ones aren't?



  16. squidgys <SNIP> "black gold"

    Got us among those monster females at Wallis Lake...

    Remember to Rip-and-Stop the retrieve. You want the jig to hit the bottom to make a puff of silt or mud.

    If you feel a bump and you miss, cast there again - flatties are lazy, unco buggers - they often miss but will strike again (and again) if you put the cast through the same place.



  17. Hi dude,

    I regularly fish Cowan Creek using SP's and found that berley makes a huge difference.

    I do prefer a leisurely walk and flick at likely spots without using berley - hunting the fish so to speak...

    But if I'm out for results, I'll berley up a likely area for half an hour and then jerk a BM, flick bait or grub around. Bream are suckers for that.

    I say try it and see if it works for you.



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