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BREAM (4/19)



  1. Good catch. I was out in the Bay that day. 1 flattie about 50cm, 1 whiting and about 15 just 28 cm pinkies. Beautiful until about 11am. Lots of tailor breaking the surface around me for 2 hours but they weren't interesed in anything I through at them. Only 1 hit but got bitten off. That was my 1st outing in the bay for almost 12 months. Could to be out again. Flano
  2. Flano


    Congrats on the fish. I lived there for 3 1/2 years back in the late 90's. You are making me jealous yet again. Flano
  3. I lived there for 3 1/2 years. What can I say - I am still jealous. Great action. Flano
  4. Great place the old Vanuatu. I lived there for 3 and a half years and been back twice since. Fishing is great, Yasur (volcano) is so humbling, people are great and the foods not bad either. Even the earthquakes give you another side of life. Great report. Hope you enjoyed my second home. Flano
  5. Interesting water temp. On Sunday up near Connells Bay it was 12C. Out in the bay it only got up to only 14.5C. Decided falling in wasnt for me on the day. Congrats on a good quick session. Flano
  6. Not much for me either on Sunday. This was the 1st time out in 5 months. Headed out in the 4.3m stacer early into the Bay. 1 tailor and 3 hours of my eyebrows being blown off. Headed up the Georges to bring the boat back to Oatley Bay. Stopped across from Bald Face just to throw a line. The wind dropped off and I started to get a few bites. Pulled in a few bream in 90 minutes (just legal). Had to head home as they fired (work committments) so send them back to catch another day. Flano
  7. Geez, are they bream or snapper Great stuff Flano
  8. Nice work Trung. As for me, Friday from 4pm to 7.30pm. In the windy Bay and up the Georges River. NOT ONE SINGLE BITE. I feel like giving up.....
  9. Great. I used to be one of the Ironman athletes competing in Forster each year in April/May so getting there and fishing will be different - but extremely rewarding. Just to rub salt into the wound, I will be fishing in Broome for a week prior to heading to Forster. Ahhhhhh,, bliss
  10. I'll be staying in the same park for a week just after Anzac Day. I hope you left enough for everyone Flano
  11. Flano

    So Close

    After a fair bit of time out of the water and the missus back fixed after an op, we were looking to get out on NY day or next day. I was even going to try and catch live bait for Botany Bay (never used before). Then...... Tuesday - BANG, kicked the BL**DY bed and fractured a number of toes . They are now in a small splint. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH....Sést La Vie. I will need to wait another few weeks. Now, where do I get live bait from from Oatley to Botany Bay ???????? The depressed Flano
  12. Flano

    Motor issue

    Thanks Ray, will get him to complete.
  13. Flano

    Motor issue

    Ray, motor is a Suzuki but don't know the year (silver with blue writing) - maybe early/mid 90s. It was serviced about 18 months ago with no problems. He uas using a pair of muffs from the tap. It has worked before like that. Cheers
  14. Flano

    Motor issue

    Would like some help with a motor issue my son has. It is a 6hp and only used occasionally. He started it the other day (2nd pull after no action for 6 months). However, while it ran, no water was coming out. He stopped it then tried again - still no water. Any suggestions ? Thanks Mick
  15. We got smashed a couple of times on Sunday around that spot. We thought it might have been kingfish for 1 (realised after 10 seconds he got hooked then took off) and also trevally (went jatso from the start). Some guys near us took a big salmon about midday - was backing towards Cooks rive in line with the old runway and Brighton. Mick
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