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Everything posted by patchy

  1. i want to start using lures off the rocks, and want to buy a new rod and reel, as my 12ft. is too heavy and my reel is also too big, and was looking at rods and didnt' know which one to get...
  2. hi all, looking for a new rod and reel, and wondering what the difference is between a jigging rod and spinning rod.
  3. thanks for that guys, so i should look for a rod that is graphite and between 9-10 foot? so its easier to spin...? i gues i could get some more money to around 300 to spend, which would help, are there any specs i need for reels, or any other suggested reels and rods would be appreciated
  4. Hi all, havn't posted in a while, and im bit of a newbie...hope its in the right section. I often go rock fishing and already have a 12ft. rod with reel, however i also want to buy a rod for rockfishing by using lures, i have seen many people do this but am new to it. was wondering if any advice can be given on which rod and reel to purchase for spinning lures off rocks, fishing for salmon, bonito, kingy's...anything that bites i guess. my budget is upto 200 dollars for both rod and reel. any advice is appreciated thank you.
  5. would you happen to know the name of any ledges, the more safer ones...i am not to familiar with the area
  6. Hey guys havn't posted in a while, heading out to jervis bay this long weekend for the first time. just wondering if there are any particular recommended rocks to fish off there as none of us have been before. and what type of fish are at the rock, any help is appreciated guys thank you.
  7. Arrived at snappers point about 7am, landbased off rocks. My mate threw in a pilchard and within 5 minutes got a good salmon. took me 2 hours to stop getting snagged and fixing my line, but once i got the hang of it, i caught 4 decent salmon. between all of us we got 12 salmon, 1 bonito and 1 bream, all in all was a great day of fishing. unfotunately hardly anyone else got a catch.
  8. patchy


    Hi all, havn't posted in a while, im thinking of going up towards entrance in a few hours and havn't been there before, was just wondering if someone would know any good wharf's to fish off around there? would appreciate any suggestions, thanks in advance.
  9. yea was a lucky catch, i did see an actual rat when i went there tonight again, it was on the stairs. i like the spot it just gets overcrowded
  10. Hey guys this is my first fishing report... Went fishing at Clifton Gardens this afternoon with 2 mates, set everything up by 6pm and started fishing . Using prawns, we caught a rat , leather jacket (about 40cm) and a flat head (also about 40 cm) . I also caught a few snapper but all of them were too small to keep like the kingfish . All in all, a good day next to the water...nice and relaxing...sorry guys no pics. Cheers Patchy.
  11. Looked in the articles and could not find anything about the difference between game fishing and sport fishing so i thought i would ask
  12. patchy


    oh okay thanks:)
  13. patchy


    I am new to fishraider and would like to know how many people turn up to these socials, where are they usually held, how long do they go for, and when is the next one:) thanks guys cheers patch
  14. lol is the lure in its eye?
  15. any luck with that bangus buddy? im thinking of popping in tomorrow morning.
  16. Sorry didn't know about the articles section, will have a look there from now on if i have any queries:) I currently have a Topaz 2-5KG rod, 7 foot. its pretty light i would say, and as for my reel im not sure i would have to look at it. thanks for the info mate:)
  17. well im really just an amatuer hoping to get better at fishing, im usually fishing off a wharf but sometimes off a boat if i go out with friends, i havnt gotten serious enough to fish for one specific fish at a time, hopefully soon i will. but mostly bream, whiting, flatheads...the basics i guess. also would i need a new rod or reel, like are there specific types of rods or reels used for soft plastics? thanks again bud.
  18. do u have to keep the soft plastics moving? how long do the soft plastics last, do u have to put a new one on after every catch?
  19. Hey guys, once again i have another noob question, sorry about it:). i always hear people talking about lures/soft plastics, and i would like to know exactly what they are. also wether it is better to use lures or bait. thank you in advance.
  20. patchy


    that clears a few things up:) thanks heaps. you can also berley the water if you are fishing off a wharf yes?
  21. patchy

    Work Shops

    well i am extremely interested and i think i need some pointers
  22. patchy

    Work Shops

    I see this is an old thread, but am wondering if there are any workshops for beginners on in early 2010? Thanks
  23. patchy


    what are pilly's or polard? and do i get sheep brains? how do i berley the water exactly ? thanks again:)
  24. yea, ive been going cabarita park wharf a fair bit lately, got some decent size fish there. but i dont like it coz theres' too many people around that just wont shut up! also many locals come around and complain about the pollution thats around the waters and advise not to eat fish from there:S do u fish for another reason but fun?
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