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Everything posted by dory_boy

  1. Hi mate, I suppose I couldnt ask you for a bit of advice on some squidding locations??? I've been trying a lot lately but with no luck. I've tried around the spit and west head but am not having much luck. Any suggestions?
  2. Hi Mike, thanks for the advice. I went out before daybreak on Tuesday to try to get some squid at the Spit but had no luck. The place you mean for the squid at the spit, is it around the corner after you have gone through the bridge (ocean bound)? I only saw the yaks for hire when I was heading back to Tunks around midday. Do you just caset around the boats or is there a kelp bed there? When I got back to the boat ramp there was little fish everywhere at the pontoon. Not sure what they were, most of them had black tails. Any idea what they where and whether they would be good for live bait? I chucked a bit of bread in and they swarmed. I hadnt heard of tunks park being a good place to get live bait???
  3. Hi mate, took your advice and checked out the LS4100 on the web. Looked like a good one so I went down to Bias and bought myself one. Have not got it hooked up yet but will let you know how it goes. Thanks for the advice!
  4. Hi all Fishraiders, well after checking out everyones posts on this great website for a few months here is my first post. After sleeping through my alarm I finally launched from Tunks park around 6am and made my way to the Spit to get try to get some squid. I'm only a beginner at gathering my live bait so I was keen to see how things would turn out. After an hour an having moved around quite a bit looking for the little buggers I decided to give up and try West head. I would be interested in finding out from other raiders any tips to squidding the Spit. Was I too late? From reading the articles on this site, I should have been there in the dark. One question I would love to ask all you raiders is about the live bait ground in the harbour. I love the idea of gathering my own live bait, and would love to know any tips or suggestions for locations. West head was just as quiet with nothing after another hour. There were a few boats (including a few of the prominent charter tours) there and they didnt seem to be having any luck either. I decided to run back to the Spit marina and buy some pillies and get out there. After a muffin and a coffee I finally got out to the yellow marker at North head and joined the ten or so boats there. All was quiet again with most of the boats pulling up anchor and moving on within 30 minutes of me getting there. One guy pulled in a rat but moved on shortly after too. I decided to try my luck at the cakes but after another hour or so that was given the flick. I have just bought a new Dory WB millenium and was keen on taking her out the heads so I headed off to south head and went around to the Gap. Was very choppy on Monday but I was happy with the way the new boat went. I dont have a sounder yet (would love some suggestions on a good cheap sounder around the $300 mark) so I pulled up near a few other boats and started drifting. The guy near me pulled in 4 kingies (all keepers) within 20 minutes so I was pretty excited that maybe, just maybe I could land my first kingie. 10 minutes later I had a great bite and the line started reeling off. It was a heavy fish and I was on for a few minutes then pop...busted off. I was getting really excited now so I rigged up again and then within 5 minutes was on again. This one was a bit smaller but was still a great fight. Up came my first kingie, only a rat that went about 60cm but I was cheering. After a quick photo on the mobile she went back in the water to get a bit bigger. I persisted for another few hours but was very quiet again. By this time it was starting to get dark and I had been on the water for nearly 13 hours. Headed back to the ramp with no fish but very content after getting my first kingie! Cant wait to get out again on the weekend. The only other downer of the day was losing another anchor. Does anyone else have this problem in the harbour? I have lost 3 now. Anyway, great site guys. I love logging on and checking out whats going on in the harbour and Pittwater. The articles are also a great help.
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