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Everything posted by j_errazo

  1. Just make sure you watch those waves and keep safe mate.
  2. It was at the river mouth, south side. Getting it outta the water was the scariest part. Thought he might have a quick bite before heading back in the big blue. Amazing creature, before that capture I hooked on a bonnie and I think it must have scared them off when he came.
  3. This was the baby Tiger shark that was caught and released a few weeks back. Was packing bricks when I released him too.
  4. He took your lucky Mojo from your Rod and used it to his advantage,
  5. Hey guys, Im new to this but a great website to read while on a lunch break. Anyway I was at Windang about a week or 2 back and caught my first PB on a lure. The pics will basically show it all, but from the 12th cast on my raider lure I felt a weird bite on the braid, felt like a snag and then chik chik booom, it fought like a housewife at a end of year sale at myers. It fought for about 5min then it just drag. Couldnt figure out what it was (could've been a snorkler at this point) but after getting the first site. It was a shark, thought it was a reefy but all of a sudden it did its death roll and saw spots and stripes....SH!T its a Tiger, on a lure, at Windang, where I swim were the words going through my head and also how the hell im gonna get my lucky lure back. I then drag it to the beach and pulled it out of the water, by this stage I left a burley trail in my board shorts coz it scared the hell out of me. ANyway got it to the beach, some random fisherman gave me his knife and I had to cut the line coz there is NO way im gonna stick my hand in there but that random fiherman told me to stab it in the head...yeh right....so I drag it back to the water and revive it til it kicked off to the deep blue. Hopefully Mr. Tiger wont remember me the next time I go surfing. Anyway long story hope you enjoy Edited by Swordfisherman
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