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Everything posted by BMac

  1. Enthusiasm is not my problem Drummo, its finding these bloody kings half the time!!!!!!! Ha
  2. I do laugh out loud sometimes the things that happen when I'm by myself - The 3 kings thatcome from nowhere and circle the boat when you're re-tying, or the bust up of a school when you are dealing with a tangle or treble in a towel!!!! Ha. I went again this morning, was baited up with Yakkas, didn't get any slimies which hurt. Lurked around North Head for nothing. Didn't sound much either. One all!!!!! Beautiful on the water though, very small swell and no wind - contrary to forecast.
  3. For sure Pete. Let me know when you're free.
  4. For sure mate. Just pm me your number and I'll let you know when I'm heading out. I try to go 2 to 3 times a week. Now that the Kings are starting to be a bit more prevelant it can certainly can make for a better days work!!!
  5. Great fish mate. I seem to be having more luck with the gold this year too. I'm not sure why? It's funny how a colour comes and goes....
  6. They are as thick as I have ever seen them in the harbour. If you dont see/hear them (which you will most times) then just berley up with some bread crumbs or dried dog food or fish frames etc etc. and you will bring them to you pretty quickly. Just find stucture and they wont be too far away. I always find it easier when its still dark as they usually congregate on the line of the lights from a bridge and the darkness - always a good spot to lob the first yakka too whilst you are still baiting. At your boat ramp is usually good too, with the lights scenario working there as well.
  7. Raiders, Well after my flirt with night fishing the last couple of outings I needed to restore some confidence with some kings. On the water at 4 and a tank full of Yakkas by 4.15. Tried for some squid till about 4.45am but no go, they seem to have divorced me! Wanted to have a bit of a flick at first light so hit the markers around Sow and Pigs and the 'cakes. No luck. Headed around Shark Is and Rose Bay but there wasn't any surface action at all, infact the birds were just sitting around mocking me!!!! Time to drop some livies. Headed outside and was on within 2 mins of the first drop. After fluffing around getting the net with my toes, she was in at 67cm but very fat, oh hang on, my new brag mat nose had fallen on its side (agghhhhh!!!) so I flicked it up with my left foot and she shruk to 57cm, so went back in after my failed attempt at taking photos on my seemingly always disobedient Iphone (the slide wouldn't work, even after putting sleep on.....)Never a bad thing watching them storm off again though. So I grabbed the biggest of my livies and sent it out, it was almost grunting in delight. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz my Sustain 10000 screamed and rod buckled over, I knew it was big as I rarely see my Sea Fork try to touch the side of the boat!!! I had just started to head out to the open when it straightened. My 60 pound braid had been shredded above my leader. Even though I didn't get to see it, the thrill of the sight and sound of your gear like that is worth 20 80cm Kings!!!! 8 - 10 secs that makes all of those alarms seem well and truly worth it. I tried for another 45mins but had to be back at the ramp by 7.30 so had to call it. Was at my desk by 8.30 watching everyone mope around whilst I smirk to myself. I love this city!!!! It was good to get some fish on the carpet again, even better letting my mate Daysie know that I had a top morning after he pulled out late last night. Cheers
  8. Hey Raiders, Headed out last night with a mate at about 6pm from Tunks and downrigged a fresh squid through the moorings at Quakers Hat Bay for no luck. The wind was blowing a touch but the sun was peeping so not the worst conditions. We continued right around until D'albora, no takers and no sign of any bait. Decided to have a crack with the wind starting at Balgowlah and working through Clonny, still downrigging the squid and an unweighted Slimy on the surface (much to the interest of the birds ofcourse). All quiet. Anchored up just before the turn of the outgoing and burley big. Yakkas and slimy's came from everywhere and we soon had a live bait tank full. Down they went, 4 in total at a time. Lost a few to squid, with the trademark 50c peice missing behind the head and caught a 3ft eel (I'd rather catch my eyeball!!!!). Bait was every where but no takers on my livies or strips of squid or bonito. Flicked a few plastics and squid jigs around for a bit too with no luck. Night fishing is very new for me, as I spend most of my time getting kings of a morning before work. I am very confident of getting kings of a morning both on the surface and with livies, just would like to branch out my fishing horizons a bit. I would be happy to trade a few 'tips for tips' with any raiders that need some help with the kings! Ha. The Fishraider community at its best!!!! Cheers Bmac.
  9. Some great unselfish advice here mate. True Raider!!!!
  10. Soy, fresh chilli, fresh ginger and shallots. Let it soak for half an hour in fridge and you're good to go. So easy and so good!!!! Well done.
  11. Great report mate. Well done and well deserved!!!!
  12. Jealous doesn't do it justice. Outstanding yet again mate!
  13. I have just recently purchased a downrigger and was concerned that it was getting 3 or so metres behind the boat. I use a 8lb bomb with wire, I like the idea of moving to a chord as I'm sure it would be a lot less resistance and noise - which can't be a bad thing. Where would I be able to buy the chord??? Also, I have been trolling at 2 to 3 knots and was concerned it was too fast but evidently all of my experiences thus far are the norm. Thanks guys for the help. Happy to recieve any more tips if you want to pm them to me. Cheers
  14. Unbelieveable scenes. The boys in the office were most impressed. Serious fish!!!! That first flash would've been outrageous.
  15. That is a serious Chopper. Would have been so much fun. Well done!!!!
  16. Great report! It was much the same on Friday, still very brown even just inside the heads. 3m swell gets a bit heavy but there are still some pockets of kings around, with plenty of follows to the surface. Will be heading out tomorrow to do it all again too. Enjoy
  17. Just a quick one guys. I have often wondered if there were any 'golden' rules when it comes to the influx of fresh water post heavy rain. I have been fishing the harbour for a few years now and haven't really been able to identify any major patterns apart from a lack of surface feeding schools in the harbour - presumeably from the lack of vison for the sight feeding predators. I went out today and it was particularly quiet in the harbour with the birds not even taking flight. There was some interest from the kings outside, but still am yet to make any valuable conclusions. Thoughts?
  18. Serious fish there mate. Keep doing what you're doing!
  19. You are definitely on the right track. Skirts work well, if you can afford one get a 'magoo'. They simply love them and they are most durable and don't rip. Get onto CD 9's and 18's more so than your Xraps, I would say for me they would have a 10 to 1 fish ratio on my boat. Halco laser pros and scorpions do the trick in a large swell as they head to 10m in the water column and will avoid that 'breaching' of your lure. I would always have 4inch or 9inch Sluggos with you, they are ideal just behind the prop and do have a lot of success. Hope this helps and enjoy getting out there!!!!
  20. Captain Spanner is on the money there. I have had a fair bit of success over the last couple of summers with a Sluggo's in the centre, a Rapala CD 9 to one side and either an Laser Pro 120 or X raps on the other side as my starting configuration. The fish will quickly tell you which is the one for the day. The Rapala CD's are by far the most successful for kings with the 9 and 18 producing the goods regularly. In a swell I find the deeper divers are far more effective as you avoid 'breaching'- the Laser Pros and even Scorpions do the trick here as they can get deeper in the water column, down towards the 10m mark, however the scorpions will get more 'bycatch' than the others with Sergeant Baker and the like not uncommon. 6 Knots is my general speed. Hope this helps.
  21. Serious Hood!!!! Good to see the jigs getting a workout in Sydney as well.
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