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Everything posted by Victor78

  1. No offence Bob but sorry mate i aint gonna say where my weed spots are on a public site or even pm them to you as certain ppl still can read them. Its worth more then gold to me. But the thing i will say is look out of the circle and be prepared to get dirty to get it. Even brown weed works well as long as you berely with it
  2. the down pour of rain has put the Blackfish off in the upper reaches of the Georges. We gotta wait till the rain stops and give it a couple of weeks for the river to clear up before they bite again. the rain should get the bream firing tho
  3. There is plenty of weed around you just gotta know where to look
  4. Nice Catch Over the years ive had quite good catches off blackfish in the Georges. Ive caught some huge fish and my bag limit many many times in the upper reaches and most off the good catches have been on freshwater weed. The Georges fires during march/april then july to september is another good period.
  5. mate are you fishing of the shore or in a boat???? If its shore fishing im more then willing to help
  6. Hey All My personal opion is that the commerical tv stations news programs should make a point of showing the wave and swell height on there weather report as 99% of people will watch the nightly news to see if its gonna rain or not the night berfore planning a trip. This would be the best way to inform the public whether its siutable for rock fishing or not. I was fishing with steve on that weekend he metion inexperieced peolpe putting them selfs in dangerous sititutions. The only reason these ppl didt get injuryed or die is pure luck on there behalf but they where smart enough to leave when we did as it was getting to dangerous Victor
  7. Yea your right the place gets disgusting at times. It should remain closed and force ppl to walk all the way in then only die hard fishos who respect nature will fish it and it will remain clean and tidy. I just been getting salmon, bream and garfish down there lately off the breakwall at the quarry pier just berfore the gates its a snag free fishing spot
  8. Hi all Bass point is closed for road works from the 11th of May to the 15th of May. Thought i would post this incase any1 from sydney was thinking of travellin down there for a fish this week. Victor
  9. The above advise is spot on and especially on using an alvery reel spooled with 24kg line. Egg beater reels still give drag under extreme pressure unlike the alvery and with groper on the hook up you canrt give them an inch of line otherwise your done for. I use a pantornosta rig with a swivel and a break away sinker on a light line about 6 inches under my hook as the terrain u fish in is rough as guts normally cus snapping 24kg+ line in a snag is a major pain. Crabs or cungie is good bait
  10. There are plenty of fish off the rocks at the moment you just have to know what to target and how to fish for them
  11. i find using mono on kings you get less pulled hooks but sometimes they can reef you just by the strecth in the mono it comes time to personal choice or your bank balance as to braid or mono you use
  12. there right Lake Lyall is the colset and best place to catch a trout from sydney but you can also catch trout at Golburn or canberra
  13. Snapper point is on the central coast in the Mumorah state park between Budgewoi and Catherine hill bay
  14. Victor78


    yea there still around try from windang bridge to the breakwalls
  15. Lake Lyall is pretty close to the Blue mountains and its a good spot to fish you can catch Trout, redfin and bass there which are good fighting and great to eat. If your willing to travel the central coast and illawarra areas have way better river and bay fishing then sydney it just depends on how far you wanna go Good luck
  16. Well done Steve thats a nice fish I went spinning in yesterday arvo and went Tailor fishing last night. I caught 6 Salmon spinning which i thru back in and caught 9 talior at night. i found a safe high spot to fish. The swell and wind are looking good for this weekend any plans yet mate???
  17. the swell is surpossed to up still tomorrow so your better off fishing off the beach with the kyds. You might get lucky catchin a salmon or tailor during the day but your better off using smaller baits and targeting bream and flathead off the beach they seem to bite during daylight hours
  18. Yea mate they catch Makos at Jevis bay. Sometimes they come into the bay but mostly they are caught from outside the heads to the shelf nearly all year round
  19. Hi All is any1 interested in going fishing tomorrow 04/04/10 arvo/evening for Tailor/jewfish in the Illawarra area weather permitting pm me
  20. Any of the bigger Seafood shops normally sell small fresh snap frozen food grade squid in bulk packs mate
  21. the ferry wharf and the wharf around the netted off pool at Woy Woy is a good safe spot to catch squid after dark or even the wharf at Patonga is good and safe for the kids
  22. Hi Hazza Is that Crystal blue a 1piece or a 2piece rod mate????? Ive heard there great value for the price
  23. Mate my personal opion is that rubber bands are crap i use a loop of 30 pound braid about 4inches long as my connection when bridling up bonito or macks when LBG of the rocks
  24. I got a Salist 4500 i use spinning off the rocks its a great reel but that silver knob that keeps the handle connected onto the body reel keeps on coming loose on me its a pain in the ### and will get lost by falling into the water 1 day
  25. Hi Mate While beach fishing try to always cast into the blue/green water it is the deeper parts of the beach ie: Holes, gutters and rips. The white water on the beach is the shallower parts ie: sand bars ans sand flats. The best way to spot holes and gutters is to find a high veiwing piont that over looks the beach from a distance its easier to spot holes and gutters
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