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Posts posted by yakka

  1. Hello everyone... just wanted to start a thread which allows you too show off your biggest squid...

    These are mine which i caught on the Northern Beaches...


    Now lets see who's is the biggest...

    Cheers SquidKing Combo

  2. Hi everyone... hope you are all out there catching the great variety of fish round at the moment...

    Anyways went out last weekend after a fair bit of rain we woke early sunday morning. The water was so murky we were wondering if we should even bother going out... We push off into the harbour and headed to one of secret bait gathering grounds where we stoked up on bonito and caught one squid... we then headed over to one of the alleys in which we reguarly fish and i droped my squid down on my abu, dropshot combo... Within 10 minutes i was on... started slow, i was thinking not legal but then it woke up and went hard... but straight down which was good... but then it turned and headed straight for a mooring and amost wrapped me but i locked him up and turned his head virtually a meter from the mooring... i was happy but still work to put in... from then on i just played the fish back and forth and we got it in the boat... Was stoked as it was a pb... anyways was a fat bugger going 84cm and probs 5 1/2 kg... We cooked him that night and he tasted a treat...

    Cheers SquidKing Combo

    This a pic of my mate wif my fish (it turned out best)


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