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Posts posted by Sammy

  1. Great catch mate considering how tough it was out there today.. fished Botany today landbased myself amongst 7 other keen fishos ( Really miss my boat now :thumbdown: ) and only saw I Bream and lonely Trev landed so you did allright mate!

  2. Gibbo!! :1yikes::biggrin2: Mate I love my Bream and that's a cracker of a story that goes with it.I've got a few mates that spear and have been trying to get me to lurk into the darkened depths but how do you celebrate with a coldy under there when you get a catch like that? :074:

  3. Caught on a nipper in middle Harbour.. 4 ball sinker to a swivel with a metre trace and no 2 hook..for those interested also caught 9 bream and a 32cm Snapper and a few leatheries.. stuck at work and all I can think about is the next jew bash :thumbup:

  4. With the full moon above and awesome Autumn conditions I wasn't surprised when I received a call from my cousin asking if I was keen for a late night/early morning session come on let's go was my response! :1prop: With favourable tides we set out around 2am on Sunday night..armed with Fresh squid, Nippers and Bloodworms we thought we were in for a chance to land our favourite big Blue Nose bream and even the elusive Jewie if lucky..

    As stated the conditions were perfect although a little on the cooler side..as we started drifitng over a hole we noticed on the sounder that joyful sound of line peeling begins on my lightest rod! 4KG Bream gear zzzzzzzzz before I had to time to rip it out of the rod holder the 20lber rod starts screaming as well.. what do I do? I grab the light rod as it's seriously peeling line and give the other rod to my cousin..with a full moon above and 2 lines peeling I could have been mistaken that I was still in bed having a cracker dream :biggrin2: Anyway after a long tussle and lines getting crossed the heavier rod which had the full squid on gets busted off :05: but I'm still on with the light rod and with a couple of lines tangled up now I was taking my time.. 10 mins later I have landed my PB to date and I can honestly say I think I'm hooked now :thumbup: I'll always enjoy my Breambo's but the way this beauty ran on my light gear was simply awesome and I can just imagine what a 40lber will fight like.. The fished weighed in at 5.8kgs.. I know it's not huge by Jewie standards but I'm still so pumped that I had to post it :yahoo:

    I'll be out there again soon having a crack that's for sure! Cheers and Happy fishing Sam


  5. If you have read my other posts then you'd probably undestand that I love fishing for Bream. I had a few hours to kill this morning before work ( the joys of parenthood, youngest daughter is teething so um yeah sleepless night! :1badmood: ). What this prompted me to do was have a bash land based of the beaches in Botany Bay- Ramsgate to be precise. Got there just as the sun was beaming around 7.00 am and although the tide was running out with a low at 8.30, I thought I was in for a fair shot as I could see lots of baitfish in the shallows.

    The conditions were perfect and with my 2 x 4kg outfits in the drink, it was a cracker of a morning :1prop: . Whilst having a chat with a friendly passerby I hear my drag start to peel and when I look around I notice the rod tip heading south..oops gotta get this sorry! What followed was a nice little struggle but this breambo wasn't going anywhere.. Cut a long story short by 8.30 am I had 3 nice Bream in the bucket and dinner for tonight.

    Not a bad effort I thought and will definately see me back there again :thumbup: Now guys these were not from the Harbour so no Dioxin jokes ok! :yahoo: Cheers Sam


  6. Maybe it was one of my Dioxin Bream all charged bzzzzzzz :1prop: LOL... Gotta love the Trevs hey, I always have a ball with them around this time of year in Botany Bay and they're big buggers too. Good on ya champ for getting out there with the old man, I take mine out as well any chance I get. Cheers Sam

  7. Hey Mondo, I was fishing near some moorings so there was a lot of structure around and the water depth was around 6 m. The current was running in pretty hard so we had to have some lead attached, with a longish trace and all fish were caught on Pink Nippers..there's a photo coming soon :1prop:

  8. After selling my boat some 2 months ago my opportunties have been limited so I jumped at the chance when a mate rang me asking me if I was keen for a Bream session :1prop: What I said..what time are we going!! Day started off wet and my thoughts were :1badmood: here goes a good day but as fortune has it the skies cleared and what followed was one of the best bream sessions I've had in a long while..

    Conditions were good,almost perfect and with a rising tide we made our way through middle harbour and with our fist cast a nice 33 cm Bream.For 2 hours the session was hot and we also caught a legal Snapper a Trev and a lonesome Flatty.. I got a thumping run on my 4kg but it simply didn't hold and the line snapped around a nearby mooring.. :05: Needless to say we had a top day out on the best Harbour in the world :1prop: At last nights BBQ where the catch fed 6 Adults and 4 kids the consensus was that the fish looked in great shape and there was a lot of discussion about the so called 'quality' of all the foods that we consume so they went down like a dream followed by a few :beersmile: everyone was satisfied and went home with full belly's! Great day out and oh I forgot to mention all caught within 3 hours of fishing.

    cheers Sam


  9. Great pics and report mate! Thanks for sharing.

    How good is it to see someone come back from a holiday with a great report on a fishing charter..I've heard so many stories of charters not delivering for people and coming back empty handed..well done and I'm sure you won't be forgetting this trip in a hurry :1prop:

  10. Hello fellow raiders,

    Been a while since I've posted a report because it's been a while since I've been out.. that's what happens when you sell your boat, cut a long story short I sold it with a heavy heart to a mate who was really keen to buy it and now I'm having withdrawl symptoms and regrets :( .

    After a few weeks checking out a few boat hire spots I came across Rose Bay which was great as they are in a handy spot and have really friendly staff. Had a bucketful of nippers which I pumped yesterday and surprisingly only 2 died over night which was great..mind you I had a decent air raider on them.

    Went to my usual spots around Bradley's Head and wasn't disappointed. The tide was still running in around 7.30am and we ended up with 9 solid bream biggest going 36cm, 1 nice whiting and 2 legal snapper.. one reaching 34cm which was awesome fun on my 4kg gear :1prop: I also lost a decent fish right near the boat, wasnt a Kingy but maybe a frigate Mackeral? looked like one, saw heaps of these chasing up the juvenile snapper which were in plague propotions today :05: good waste of a nipper I say.

    Amonst the frustration of not having a boat for the last six weeks today was a pleasant relief and boy was it hot! Guess this will have to do for now whilst I'm between boats :(

    The old man loved it as well and I tell you guys what the Bream tasted GREAT on the BBQ! If it gets me one day at least I can say the feed was worth it :beersmile:

    Sorry no pics folks as :wife: had the camera.. ps Did I mention how hot it was out there :tease:

    Tight Lines Sammy.. :1fishing1:

  11. BRAVO!! Great catch and Beautiful on the TIGANI! Sorry for the non Greeko's this means Fry pan! :1prop: Keep it up! Once your hooked there's no turning back.. my mrs hates it when I get that look in my eye , she knows she's safe these days but the rods aren't haha bbbbzzzz GET THE NNNNNEEEETTTTT!! :beersmile:

  12. Oh yes the :wife: factor always comes into it doesn't it! I was hoping for good weather so we could have a 'family' day on the beach somewhere oh you know somewhere up the coast.. Good quality time with the :wife: and :1prop: kids.. great beach, beautiful surf and maybe just maybe sneak a couple of rods in and disperse them in amongst I don't any nice gutters that might be found on the beach? Oh only if I find any so I'll have to bring the rods just in case! Reckon :wife: will buy it? hehe Oh well it's happening either way! :1fishing1:

  13. It's a real shame the way it's been exposed, surely this problem has been around for a long time yet they announce 'high' dioxin levels days before one of our biggest public Holidays. Today is my daughters Birthday and she wanted a rod and reel for her present! ( Honestly I didn't influence her at all!) :1prop:

    As a small time fisho, I often enjoyed going for a fish in the Harbour in my tinny and if lucky bringing home a feed.The plan was that I take her out tomorrow to test out her new outfit hopefully with some bait that we caught ourselves..she loves pumping nippers with me! Where to now?? Imagine the looks from passerbys if they saw us fishing? I guess I'll have to buy a bigger boat now to accomodate the Outside conditions or potentially loose an enjoyable pastime I had with my daughter before she gets sucked up into the real world of female commercialism and become a young woman at 12 sob sob :(

    I do see the brighter side though and hope that in my lifetime the fish stocks and more importantly the quality of our harbour improves so that we can all enjoy this precious harbour once again.

    Happy Australia day to all! Tigh Lines :beersmile:

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