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Posts posted by Stippy

  1. I'd call it a drummer mate (rock blackfish) - I'm sure one of the guru's will correct me if I'm wrong though. If you don't get the replies you're after you might ask the mods to have the thread moved to the Fish ID section too.



  2. Just to clarify - can you fish Clifton Garden jetty all day or is it a marine zone at certain times now? Thinking about heading over with some livies on the weekend see if we can tempt some kings.



  3. saw a few rat kings, salmon and decent whiting further up stream last week, but couldn't get a taker. quite cold up that way now. There are some fish there if you can get them to eat something!

    Fished right under the bridge Saturday for a few undersized bream, doesn't help that the gates closed at 6pm - you might have more luck yak based being able to reach the further pylons without snagging but even the guy in the tinnie moved on after not catching much. Might also try in and around the mangroves, looks both very snaggy and very fishy.



  4. I've got a 10ft Penn Spinfisher Big Game Surf which is a carbon composite (very light) blank which would probably be up to the task (managed to pull in my first jewie no sweat :biggrin2:) If you shop around you should find one for significantly less than the $99RRP (I got mine for $74) - rod is designed for spinning reels. Gives you a reasonable amount left to search for a reel to suit. Haven't had much experience spinning bigger lures for the species mentioned but I'd imagine something in a 3000-5000 range would be best; any larger and your arms will begin to fatigue fast because of the weight of the reel.

    Good luck,


  5. Hey Raiders,

    Been out fishing more frequently since uni holidays rolled around and have been happy to take a few PB's...

    Before Thursday night my proudest fishing moment was this solid bream from a kayak on Apple Tree Bay - I hadn't planned on going fishing but when the yakking opportunity came up I couldn't turn it down even if it meant fishing with an old rear drag Shimano and mono. Put up a good fight and I was pretty stoked to get him onboard considering all the oysters and snags around. My girlfriend's Mum turned him into part of a delicious meal.

    Last night I decided to head to the beach to clear out my freezer full of old servo pilchards - I wasn't expecting much given the pilies were all burnt from the freezer but the beach is just across the road and you can only watch masterchef for so long. Sent out the first soggy pilchard on ganged hooks for nothing, tide was low and Thirroul beach was about as flat as she ever gets so I was thinking this was probably going to set the scene for the night. Second pilie is hooked up and sent into the drink, wasn't too long before the Penn tip is starting to dance. I'm still only new to fishing but I thought rather than yank on the rod and risk pulling the bait out of the fish's mouth I might try a couple of quick reels. Sure enough the hooks set and I'm away. Had a few headshakes which made me think I'd hooked up a decent sized flathead; got the fish onto the beach and from where I stood I thought it was a nice Tailor.

    But on closer inspection it was my first ever Mulloway - measured just over 50cm so I was happy enough to grab a picture and send him on his way. Caught just south of Thirroul Pool where the water pumps back into the ocean on a Spinfisher 850ssm and Penn Spinfisher Big Game Surf. Sorry about the essay but I was pretty stoked; hopefully the next time we meet he is nudging the metre mark :biggrin2: Also sorry about the crappy picture quality; I only take a cheapy digi cam down on the beach but you get the idea.

    Couldn't convert the rest of the pilies into anything but hard to be disappointed with my first jew.





  6. I'd like to improve my technique too. Had a quick go today at Lake Illawarra with 7lb Fins braid and a 6lb fluro leader - I was primarily out chasing flathead with soft plastics but I saw the school of squid as I was heading off so quickly tied a $2 servo squid jig. Messed up my first good chance with an overzealous jig and scored a little tentacle for my trouble, my second attempt was better and I pulled in this guy. Only the second squid I've ever caught (and my first on a jig). I was hoping to catch some of the bigger ones in the school but after their mate was taken they weren't much interested in my jig. Slippery thing didn't want to lie straight for the camera. I think I may have had more luck with a smaller jig, I was using a size 4 jig in 2 metres of water. Might try my luck with something around the 2.5 mark next time.




  7. Yeh got the same prob too mate but any single leg guides are weak...

    Keep playing with it and it will drop off! :074::074:

    Are you happy with the rod?

    I reckon they have to be one of the best flick sticks going around!!!

    For the price you pay for them you can afford to go that little bit extra with your reel which make all the difference.



    Hey mate,

    Like I said I haven't caught a fish with it yet so it's difficult to say really. What I can tell you is that the rod is quite nicely balanced with my Exceller 2500 and will cast a 1.7 gram jighead plenty far. Together with FINS braid it communicates every little nibble that's happening at the other end and to cap it off looks pretty sweet too.

    When I do give it a proper test I'll be sure to post up the results.


  8. if the guide is moving inside the epoxy, then definitely go back. but if you mean bending the guide, then its easily possible to bend them, espcially if they're single footed guides like most light tackle rods

    Hmm... i suppose it is more of a bending movement, good to know I'm just paranoid!

    Thanks Scotty.

  9. Tarwhine certainly go harder than bream. They are slightly fatter and taste good around 30+ cm.

    Bream go plenty hard for their size, can't wait to hook a decent tarwhine now!



  10. Hey Raiders,

    Took my Tournament Pro Dropshot out for the first time the other day in the Royal National Park (gorgeous day but not much action).

    Although I didn't manage to catch much... err... make that anything the rod felt great communicating all the little nibbles from the whiting however I did notice that the first guide on the rod had more play in it than any other guides on any of my other rods. Should there be any play (movement) in the guides? I can move the guide maybe a millimetre or two perpendicular to the rod, it's certainly not as firm as the guides on my (cheaper) Shimano graphite rod. It could just be a case of me being precious but I figure it's better to find out now whilst the rod is still under warranty.



  11. Wow, makes me really wonder how they would react to a person falling overboard???

    I guess you would cop a few nasty bites whilst trying to get back in the boat, but if you fell or drifted a distance from the boat it could be different??

    I'm pretty sure you'd be fine. Big difference between a 40cm octopus and a 5-6ft person, although all the thrashing around that ensued might attract the attention of something bigger and toothier!

  12. We are negotiating with a company regarding the mats.

    They are making one and if we like it we will put them back into production.

    Standby for details

    Cheers mrsswordfisherman

    Great to hear :thumbup:

  13. You might also consider getting together a group of like minded enthusiasts and buying some braid in bulk. Plenty of tackle stores will be happy to offer good discounts if you're purchasing in the thousands of yards. Keep your spool stored somewhere dry and cool and you should find it lasts quite a while. As an added bonus braid is thinner than the equivalent pound mono so you'll get more on your spool just in case you hook into a monster!



  14. Eastern Kelpfish looks good from the side view. Excuse the language, but a sh*t sandwich would probably taste better than easting one of these.


    Thanks guys, Eastern Kelpfish seems like a positive ID. Aside from trying to snag me under some rocks this little guy didn't put up too much struggle on my Sienna 2500, when it hit I was hoping it might be a nice drummer!



  15. Gday pilchard, the gates at garie are definately locked! Be out of there by 9 pm or you will be doing an all nighter. Heaps of salmon off garie on pillies and gang hooks. I've found right in front of the car park is the most effective but early morning before sun is up or late arvo. Never caught anything good off sand in middle of day. Rocks at northern end produce salmon tailor and bream and they will fish alot better in the middle of the day than the sand. Plenty of blackies too but be very carefull up there. If there is any type of easterly blowing i wouldnt bother. And if the swell is going over the platform don't go up there! Hope this helps

    Thanks for the tips mate! We'll be out before 9 easy.

    Garie is pretty exposed and I know it cops heaps when the swell is up (maybe I should bring my surfboard :biggrin2:) but rest assured none of us will be that keen to put ourselves in any danger. I'm quite happy to stick to wading in calm water throwing plastics!

    Thanks again,


  16. Hi Stippy Seeing you're from down that way, it might be worthwhile fishing for blackfish off the main rock platform on the northern side of Austimeer i.e. the rocks on the left hand side of the lifesaver's sheds at the far end of the car park.. On week days you could drive in thru the narrow opening next to the change rooms and park on the little grassy section and make your way around the rocks from there, you'll find there are some pretty good platforms to fish off too... As far as fishing the beach goes, Austimeer beach is too shallow for too far out whereas the rocks about three quarters of the way up towards the corner can fish quite well in general especially if you start from late in the afternoon and fish on into the night..I've seen heaps of blackfish caught down there during the winter months particularly by this group of blackfish fishermen from Bowral who stayed for the weekend and parked up near the sheds...


    jewgaffer :1fishing1:

    Thanks mate

    I've been reading up on blackfish fishing with interest and it's nice to know that there's a good spot just down the road, one of these days I will have to shout out and get a blackfishing guru to show me the ropes (and the floats).

    Still keen to try our luck in the national park this weekend though, I shall make a report if the trip produces anything worthy.



  17. Hey Raiders,

    Could someone please ID this guy for me? I'm thinking it's some kind of cod. Caught on a Berkley 2" Baby Shrimp in the Molting colour.

    These things were the only thing on the chew down at Thirroul beach on a run out tide, and the fact that they loved the rocks meant I lost a couple of jig

    heads pulling them out :ranting2: Was actually hoping I could find some flatties - so he was sent on his merry way.

    Are those pectoral fins poisonous?




  18. Haha reading about jewies and kingfish beats the hell out of equitable choses in action any day of the week.

    If nothing else we should pick up a flathead or two! I just hope we don't get outfished by the other blokes.

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