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Everything posted by clutch

  1. Oh btw no offence rodholder it just seemed amusing to my twisted mind
  2. .............is nobody expecting him to "hold their rod" ...its screaming out!!!!
  3. A great looking set up Lazardboy
  4. clutch

    My Baby

    Fastone, bloody nice looking boat mate Thats the sort of style mostly fished from over here...however shes a real beauty
  5. clutch

    Sydney Jew

    Top fish Joe Congrats Clutch
  6. Moonshine apparently I stand corrected guys
  7. Have to tell you Joe, I aint sure what that is but I can tell you that it aint no bird!! I saved it to" my pictures" so that I could zoom in on it. I suggest you try it and tell me what you see.........
  8. Bluecod, I especially like your second one cheers Clutch
  9. Congrats on the new boat Grant Sounds great
  10. Martin in NZ we know that better than anywhere next5 time will be better
  11. clutch

    Yachting Luxury

    Homophobic Darryl??!!
  12. clutch

    Yachting Luxury

    No Darryl, thats Captain Keith in his monogramed hat!
  13. Well done Joe , top fish mate
  14. Just heading out for a fish ........red sky in the morning..............
  15. After the crapiest and coldest December in 60 years in N.Z. the water may finally be warming ......slightly. Tutukaka Fishing Club recorded their 1st and 2nd Striped Marlin of the season on Tuesday. I had my camera for the 2nd which weighed 90 kg. The one weighed earlier was 111kg. Just for those that like game fishing and interested in conditions and season over here. Clubs further North may have had earlier success
  16. clutch

    Yachting Luxury

    Isnt she a beauty 56 feet I think
  17. clutch

    Yachting Luxury

    Just spent a few days in and around Tutukaka in Northland N.Z. on this Classic. Friends have bought it and are motoring her from Bay of Islands to Whangarei where she will be trucked to their farm and have the cabin cut off. He is going to fabricate a new one and reckons he have it complete by Sept-Oct We all had a ball and it just goes to show you dont have to spend a million bucks to enjoy the water
  18. clutch

    To Easy 4

    In front of a pelican
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