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Posts posted by cc118

  1. Hi Fishraiders,

    Here is the next instalment of my New Zealand fishing trip. The photos in this report are from a beautiful river in the South Island, feed by rain and spring water. The water clarity is gin clear and the scenery amazing.

    My friend Casey Cravens picked me up from the hotel and after 2 hours of driving we arrived at our destination. Luckily for us, just as we pulled over, 2 other cars pulled up behind us full of fisherman. After a short chat, they decided to leave us to our business, while they tried another river.

    I have to admit, the walk into Casey’s spot was slightly challenging. At one point we were climbing up a vertical cliff with our rods in our mouths, looking down a sheer 20+ metre drop. After a 2 hour hike in, Casey spotted 2 large trout, 1 on the surface (5 pounds) and the other down deep (7 pounds). We throw practically every fly in Casey’s box, but they were just not interested and eventually spooked.

    We continued to see fish on the surface feeding freely, but as soon as we got into casting distance they would spook. I remember being 10 metre hiding behind a tree, and the fish would sense something and dart for cover. Casey managed to spot a trout feeding is some faster current and I was able to get right behind the fish for a long cast to produce this handsome rainbow.

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    After lunch we took turns spotting fish for each other. The fish did not stay in a particular drift, but tended to move around the pool in search of food. Your hook up rates dramatically increases, when you have someone on high ground giving you directions. As you can see in the next few photos, Casey is up high taking photos and is able to see the fish’s every movement.

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    I also managed to get Casey onto a fish. He wasn’t able to spot the fish with the reflection off the water, and I could just make out a translucent shape in the white water.

    As we approached the next pool, Casey was very careful to keep out of site and away from the water. There were 2 big rainbows feeding in mid water (6 pounds). We peeked over the edge to see this enormous brown trout also feeding in mid water. He was easily over a metre long and the spots on him were clearly visible from where we were sitting. Casey said, 4 years ago, he spooked a large brown and was certain that this fish was the same one. We tied on a 12 pound leader which took about 30 minutes as both our hands were shaking. Unfortunately, this trout has probably seen many anglers, and after a few casts, this fish bunkered down deep and stopped feeding. You can see the fish reasonably well in the high resolution photo.

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    On the way back we did catch another good rainbow, and Casey tried his luck at an eel.

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    A few days after I returned from NZ, I received this photo from a friend. Just over 10 pounds and a smile from ear to ear.

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    Regards Caddis

  2. Chris,

    Awesome report and photos- wow some nice beastly beasts there!.

    I could so easily pack up and leave and move to NZ.

    Very jealous, and happy for you for getting in some great fishing.

    And more so - SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glasd you are a Thomas & Thomas man- cause that was my first rod in an 8wt!.

    I love T&T, their bamboo looks incredible.

    Can't get enuff of T&T- matched with an Abel SS in either Dolly Varden or Brown Trout!.

    We seriously need to get together and fish soon ( with Irongustavius)!

    Thanks for the reply on my post- I know the fly gang here is thin, but I am sure there are more fly fisherman here, just not everyone is motivated ( or has the time) to sit down and write long reports.

    This site is great- what makes it great is the diversity and the reports- so whether or not others can't be bothered - I will always make the effort and so will any of us here that want to share with others. So when you go fishing- always take tonnes, and tonnes of pics- make the time, give the camera to others, and also make the time to "set up " good shots- that is what I believe most members want- a report with great and many photos!



    One of my mates just got back from NZ South Island and sent me photos of an 8 and 10 pound brown trout he landed. He has a grin from ear to ear. His first double digit trout.

    I'll let the cat out of the bag. We did have a shot at a metre long brown, which we estimate 16 to 20 pounds. I struggled getting a good drift and he was all over the shop. He finally spooked. I'm hoping the photos developed so i can post them.

    I might be available in a few weeks (first Saturday in December), if you're interested.

    Regards Chris

  3. So got to the “DOUBLE HOOK UP” pool, and sad to say ( Angus) it only had a few fish. Well we worked the runs and pool up from it, and nailed some great fish, then worked the pool I have dubbed “ MARIANA’S TRENCH” – as it is a very deep pool. Just looks like the best producing pool ever- and I caught a few nice fish, but nothing outstanding. I actually must have made at least 30 casts into it, targeting every inch of it, caught some nice fish and a nice little brown, but lost 1 huge fish- never saw it but it pulled hard enough for me to know it was a good specimen.

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    Dean continued on upstream, and after about 30 mins I joined him. From this point, the creek turns tight, heavily wooded around the shore and much more suited to lure than fly. We caught a few more, but then, walking upstream, the creek divides into two, we took the left hand option, and this one maybe 40 meter run non-descript part, maybe 1.5ft deep at most, I would not have even considered casting, but the Sniper who I might add is the ever optimist, threw 2 casts into it. One the second cast- the water EXPLODED with a Polaris Missile. OMFG!!!!!!!! – I almost felt incapacitated for 20 seconds, then hearing Dean’s reel screaming away and the almost ghost like pale face on him- literally shaking like all his DNA was instantly taken away from his body, I knew this was a fish of a lifetime. I stood there in ankle deep water, seeing this old Krusty Burragorang Elder fighting for his turf……. Trying to net this beast, without a doubt more terrifying than having to propose to my wife……all I could do was shake and try to put the net in front of this giant!. Once I netted it, it was like the day the Earth stood still. I looked at Dean in bewilderment!- sure nothing like a 500lb Tuna, or Greg L nailing massive Jew’s in the Hawkesbury et al, but those of you that have experienced this stream, will know that this fish was a trophy bar none!. And to top it off, it was caught in this ankle deep water.

    For the time that I have been fishing this stream, this is the biggest fish by far that I have seen caught. Actually the fish that Angus caught, was huge, then Kyuss ( Scott) asked me if Angus’s fish was bigger than the Dolphin I caught the previous year ( I was by myself and caught a monster male Bow in the spawning pool) the photo as you remember wasn’t the best but it was a beast, but I reckon bar none this fish Dean caught was the biggest, however, not the biggest fish we saw. I cannot begin to imagine the size of the fish that make their way up from Lake Burragorrang ( aka Warragamba Dam), well this old warrior gave us the opportunity to revel in his wake.

    He wasn’t too keen on being held and photographed, but Dean held this Goliath like it was his newborn baby, and I managed to nab a few decent pics, I think Dean even smiled?!. He slowly got himself back into the rhythm and sauntered back into the shallow water and we both were about as happy as any two fishermen could be!.

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    It was starting to get late in the day, but we wanted to make it up to the Wilhannia junction so we hauled ass up there with a few more small catches but nothing to really mention. The best part further up along the last stretch to the junction we heard a Wild Dog barking aggressively, and it was really close, however we couldn’t see it. Damn, I reckon this was one of the closest we have ever been to one, and actually ( sorry Dean)- he was continually looking around, thinking “Cujo” was going to attack…lol, really it was funny. I desperately wanted to see it, but Dean was a bit unsure!. We got to the junction and caught a few at the pool there, then in the fading light I managed to coax Dean to go and do a quick “5 mins” trip to Wilhannia- was after 1630hrs and so we needed to get back to camp. But………………. We went up and WOW what a beautiful little stream!- all dark and eerie, ferns and like inside a canyon, tannin stained water and lots of nice fish. Dean nailed a nice Brown- fired out of the water like being launched off the USS Nimitz, and de-hooked itself, and only by mm’s didn’t land on the ban. We were laughing in unison.

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    Another 20 mins and we decided to head back reluctantly. On the way back there is a huge open high cleared area at the junction- we found a massive yellow drybag with loads of gear in it- tent, bag, clothes, stove,food,fuel etc- but all wet, mouldy and ruined. Why someone left it there???????? Another K ck mystery.

    We got back to camp in the dark- just exhausted from the adrenalin and beautiful time we had. Truly a great trip. We lost count after over 60 fish caught in 2 days….not bad!

    I won’t bore you with the walk out…..Dean is way fitter than me this year, so I sucked and he revelled this year…LOL!.

    Perfect trip, I reckon would be hard to beat, but then there is always next year and then there is the Kowmung!- Oh man that is like another world, and a very big world indeed!

    There are only a few people like yourself that keep me posting on this website. I'm begining to think the number of fly fisherman here are thin. Great post Matt

  4. Awesome bows there Chris! Good report looking forward to the Sth Island report cause even though I spent the majority of my time on the North Island the South Island is where its at! I really must organise a trip for next winter to Turangi! Interested?

    I'm planning to go back again early next year. Mate, it would be great to organise a few people together.

  5. Hi Fishraiders,

    I just got back from spending 7 amazing days fly fishing NZ South and North Island. I flew into Dunedin on the 5th and worked my up to Rotorua/ Taupo before finishing up in Auckland on the 12th.

    This report and photos are from trips in the North Island. I will post my trip in the South Island later this week.

    During this trip, I fished with a close friend and local guide John Hamill, who knows these waters like the back of his hand and in my opinion, one of the best at spotting fish. John H. had actually organised a chopper, but the weather turned nasty the day before, and we ended up fishing the local waters.

    On day one we took the new owners (John) of the Hunting and Fishing store in Rotorua with us. We took on our trip the Sage One, Z-Axis and Thomas & Thomas Horizon II rods and put them to the test in some tough conditions. The wind was blowing a good 20/25 knots, and gusts up to 40 knots. John H. was exceptional at spotting the trout, but the fish spooked easily and was just not interested in anything we had to offer. John ended up with a fly in his cheek and ear, which must have hurt.

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    On day two we tried a different access point. Weather conditions were similar to the day before, and there was rain on the mountains. I dropped 2 fish at the start of the day, and then things went quiet. We saw plenty of fish, some up to 6 pounds, in very thin water. After lunch John H. managed to spot a couple of fish tight against the bank. The fish cooperated and here are the results.

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    We took turns spotting fish for each other, and landed this last hen rainbow.

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    In my next report, we come across a massive South Island brown.

    Regards Caddis

  6. Just getting the good oil for you Royce, we don't want your first trip after surgery to be a blank.

    And as to where, I'm not quite sure, Caddis made me wear a blindfold. Which made the driving hard.

    You were definitely good company Angus, and I look forward to fishing with you again soon. Sorry about the browns, that was my fault. They sure gave your 6wt a good work out.

    I’ll try to squeeze in another fish between now and when I fly out to NZ. My friend (who guides Dunedin) and I are going trophy hunting.

    Regards Caddis

  7. Hi Royce,

    They don't look rough to me at all. looking forward to trying them out. I got a good dose of the flu so my trip this weekend could be compromised which is a real shame as T&T sent me a demo 3wt to test drive.

    I'll let you know.

    Regards Chris

  8. Hi Luke,

    I just PM'd you. I was out again today and had a cracker. I'm not sure if i'll do a post this time, it must be getting boring hearing the same thing over and over again.

    When fishing the rivers, you really need to be careful to stay on the banks as the fish are still in spawning mode. The fish deposit their eggs in some of the slower currents in the river rock (easy for anglers to step on). I picked up a really good buck rainbow in spawning colours with milk.

    Good luck.

    Regards Chris

  9. Chris reminds me of some East Cape small streams and tose up around the Auckland region and a couple of Wairarapa streams I used to fish! Love the reports and I'll be hassling you soon for a fish plenty of experimental nyphms for you to try especially mt cassette tape hot head horn caddis!

    Hi Royce, I'll have a few sample rods for you to try when you're back in action.

    Regards CHris

  10. Caddis, Awesome work. I always love reading flyfishing reports, especially looking at the photos of trout and very clear water. I do agree with you when you watch a fish swim off after an awesome fight its a great sight and a great feeling :thumbup:

    Thanks bassboy888, appreciate your comments.

  11. Ahoy Caddis,

    Looks like a great trip, with some lovely fish. Thanks for the report.

    Are you interested in a non-solo stream fishing mission some time in the future? I don't know very many decent spots and would appreciate all the advice I can get.

    No problems Irongustavius. Just PM me when you want to go out.

    Regards Caddis

  12. Hi Chris,

    Bet it feels good to be back on the rivers. The rivers have all moved around of bit with all the rain over the past 12 months. The spots we fish on the thredbo are now 4.5m under water and I just found out that my favourite little corner on the Eucy has been flooded by the rising dam. Its up to the Portal now. A mate said there are some good fish in the fish at Tarana too. Heading to Eucy next week after the crowds have left. I understand its been fairly crazy down there over the opening. Should be a good year and good to see you at least got a couple of fish. That TCD fish is so typical with those big yabby guts. Nice work.


    On Strike.

    Hi On Strike,

    With the Eucumbene close to 50%, a lot of the good spots should be flooded. I was down there before the close in June and it was only 35%. Directly in front of the Portal, there is a great little cut bank. I bet you'll pick up a few there.

    Good luck.

    Regards Caddis

  13. Hi Raiders,

    I had the opportunity to make a second trip to the Coxs river over the weekend. Conditions were to be perfect according to the weather forecast, over clouded and a slight drizzle. This time I planned to have an early start and make most of the day.

    The next morning, I got to the river just after 9am and besides a couple of campers and off road bikes, I had the whole river to myself surprisingly. You would think being opening weekend, there would be more people out having a fish. The water was slightly discoloured from the recent rain which made sight fishing difficult, but certainly looked inviting.

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    The first run is long and shallow, and on a day like this I opt to use a dark green nymph. Casting my fly into the bubble lines, I worked my way up the run into a deeper pool. As I got to the end, the indicator went down without any hesitation and I was on to a solid fish. At first, I thought it was a rainbow as the fish took to the air several times during the fight, but when I had her at the bank, it was a healthy brown. She measured 38 cm. Although the Coxs river has a healthy population of rainbows, we do get the occasional brown which is always a treat to catch.

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    (Photos were taken from my blackberry, which actually turned out reasonably well).

    I was careful to fight the fish away from the pool, bringing the fish downstream as not to disturb other fish that could potential lay in the pool. Sure enough, my very next cast into the same pool produced this little rainbow.

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    Moving to the next run, as you can see from the insert below, the water was moving a lot faster and access was not very easy with the dead trees along the bank. After several drifts, the indicator went down and I was on. The fish surfaced briefly and spat the hook. There’s a big puppy living down there.

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    I continued fishing that day catching several fish in the upper pools, and also dropping many as well. The fish ranged in size, both browns and rainbows. It certainly turned out to be an enjoyable day.

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    I constantly changed nymphs during the day for 2 reasons, 1. To see if there is a preferred pattern the fish favour on the day and 2. Provoke a strike. Sometimes you can get a fish to take you fly by simply changing your pattern. I started off with a dark green nymph pattern, but found fish responded better to brown on this particular day. It’s always good to come prepared with a few favourite colours.

    Also, another thing to watch out for is when two bubble lines come together to form an eye. I find that larger fish tend to sit in these areas waiting in ambush while the smaller fish are out in the faster current. Larger fish are lazy preferring to have food come past its noise. That was certainly true for the next fish. I dropped my fly about a metre ahead of where 2 bubble lines came together and watched the indicator drift past and go down right at the spot. The fish gave an amazing fight and after 5 heart minutes was beached. The buck rainbow measured approximately 40cm.

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    And for me, the best part of the fight, is watching the fish swim away.

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    Regards Caddis

  14. Hi Raiders,

    The rivers have finally opened up here in NSW and I just couldn’t resist wetting a line. Although I enjoy fishing Thompsons Creek Dam, I really do prefer fishing the rivers and spending the day stalking trout. When I checked the weather forecast on Friday night, there were predictions of 5-10mm of rain. Somehow I think they got that wrong, because while I was out it must have dumped 5-10 litres on top of me.

    I was expecting my new rod to arrive for opening day. Thomas & Thomas are launching their new NS5 (No Sanctuary) rods later this year, and I was hoping to test drive it on our rivers. At just 2 oz, it is the lightest 5wt rod on the market. The rod is expected to arrive next week.

    I got to the river just after 11am for a late start. The cox river near Rydal has changed dramatically since I last fished it a year ago. Late last year, Lake Lyell was at full capacity, and the streams and pools which I knew held fish have all changed.

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    The day was mostly spent researching the new terrain and working out where fish might lay. Moving upstream, I casted my nymph to likely bubble lines and structures. I sighted a fish rising in the shallows. I know I should have tied on a dry, but was just too lazy. In the end, the fish spooked and I continued my pursuit upstream. There are some deeper pools along this run which hold good fish, but you do need to approach these pools carefully, as fish do hang around the edges and are always alerted to your presence. I typically use an 8’6” 4wt on these waters as I have hooked some large fish. The browns will head for cover and you do need some power to turn them. My first cast into the deeper pools did produce a feisty little rainbow.

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    The day turned out to be slow, and I decided to move back down stream. As I started walking back, I heard the cry of a happy angler catching a fish. The father and son team were up from Sydney and have been catching a few fish on lures. The rainbow he had just caught was about 30cm. The next stream I came across was running fast but looked to have some dark objects at the bottom. Standing well back from the stream, I casted my nymph ahead of the dark objects and sure enough, the indicated went down and I came up tight with this nice rainbow. The photo is dark as my camera was playing up from being drenched.

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    I moved a few meters upstream and worked my nymph in a likely bubble line. I picked up another good rainbow about a pound. Unfortunately, my camera was soaking wet by this stage, and I didn’t want to cause any more damage to it.

    I decided to head home soon after catching my third fish. The rain was really starting to come down hard and I had a reasonable hike back to the car. The trip certainly satisfied the withdrawal symptoms and the 4 month waiting for the rivers to open was rewarded.

    I have also included a picture of this lovely 4.5 pound rainbow caught in TCD back in July.

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    Regards Caddis

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