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  1. trolled from norah head canyons to the carpark..3 hookups and all 3 fish lost..2 blues not sure of the other one as u can see conditions were quiet bad..25-30 knot winds blowing most of the day
  2. bigger kings in the lake! bridge gets to much boat traffic and they spook...when your fishing the bridge there isnt much courtesy
  3. hey guys just wondering how u guys went in bali..
  4. Ive seen bull sharks pretty much throughout the whole lake. They are more common down the southern end
  5. also looking for a charter..going over there over new yrs so let me know how u go cheers
  6. we fished scotts on the friday..know a guy on a charter and we were gunna head down but he said not to worry cause of all the boats..we only ended up with 2 spotties 6 and 4 kg, lost 2 spannish around the 10-15kg mark and had atleast 4 bite offs.. apparently it has gone dead up there
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