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Everything posted by jimmy72

  1. is that you or your kids that ride the ferry wash ina yak out of the corner of the little bay there... some decent sized waves at times lol
  2. sounds like an awesome session, maybe try the softly softly approach on kings, keep winding without viscous pumping, make it smooth and constant so the fish feels no change in pressure , then when you feel the king load up and is about to run, give them a little, drop the rod tip slowish to reduce the pressure on the fish and they 'usually' settle down without running, then keep going on a smooth and constant wind .., once they get to the boat rip it into them and they will take a big run, but usually wont make the bottom - do that two or three times and a fish in the boat is usually the result ... its hard to do it when your first instinct is to meet force with force, but t works, well i should qualify that....it works on spaghetti strength fly rods anyhow just an idea but might just work cheers gm
  3. sydneyfisher12, i think your boat is between my place and the ferry... think ive said hello a couple of times when you were washing down early-mid morning ? my boat is up near the 90 degree parking toward the sailing club, you might have sen me practicing my flycasting in the backyard of the solent block of units?
  4. sounds like a great day .. the bubble float idea is good, also works with trout either slow retrieved or drifted in the river of lake. in the harbour a small fly 1m behind a popper or 1m behind a swivel & sinker works a treat when the fish are fussy. when the fish are on the small bait i rig that up usually for the boys and girls on my boat that cant cast a fly rod.
  5. yeah not wrong FFJ, its either or famine down there for me .. usually famine ! but like i said im lazy these days
  6. fished (pretty lazily to be honest) the thredbo for only one 3lb rainbow for the group over the weekend, saw a few more fish but missed them, river was up and my skills rusty, as im sure i missed 3 or 4 takes on sat morning. fish glow bug and nymph, with fish falling to the bug, though other were eating nymphs we were told was a termite hatch in the lake on sat evening when we were at a mates place in Kalkite but were to lazy and full to bother going down we watched from the balcony, more termites sunday evening on the jindy side buy hardly a rise... funny place that lake great weekend, went with my mate, dad, and brother who owns the home brew brew shop in kambah ACT and his mates so we had kegs of good beer cold from the taps so was a great weekend anyhow despite the lack of fish to hand. noticed that the trout farm must feed fish in the river next to it, throw a handful of small gravel in and the fish go nuts, like piranhas, no wonder most of the fish hang there in the exclusion zone where you cant fish for them. http://youtu.be/Ym6UO0IlLuQ good looking river one day i'll fish its seriously ;-)
  7. certainly will guys ... snowies this weekend ( 4 day weekend woot!) then its its time to plan the trip to search for gold ... need to get outboard serviced first though ;-(
  8. Foolforjesus -- mate !!! nice flies indeed, i have a box of similar style and colour ones, tied up or collect years ago that have been waiting to get cast at sweetwater natives for years... trout and kings seems to distract me, but this season definitely going bus in search of some gold, and green fish -- great post very expiring thanks hi hooked up, na thats one by jonny king ( you can find loads on his stuff on stripers on line site (USA striped bass fishing site).. . its called the sensational squid... there is an SBS and several versions , upgrades on this pattern to be found . they are very cool, but i tie mine along the lines of the EP calamari, ( mainly due to the material available... so using a cotton bud tube or articulated shank to build the hood on and on the hook put the legs etc and spin and trim the head + eyes - pigs to cast in the big sizes but kings love them . my squids looks are not as cool see the first two pics the hood is estaz or cactus chenille with three hollow ties of congo hair, craft fur or similar and then on the hook, tie in a few saddle feathers, flash and or rubber legs for the legs with a dubbed ball under to splay them, the head is spun / dubbed over the tie in of those legs / feather using same hood material clipped to shape, and goo'ed / glued a bit and eyes stuck on .. some of the sensational squids next to that by jonny king ( that guy has talent ) .. i have an sbs for the sensational in PDF if you want it PM me, the one sof mine i just copied how i thought the EP squid were made? cheers !
  9. great report, what flies & colours were the fish favouring? thanks gm
  10. yeah saw that smashed door , but always had a time constraint on fishing.. not new, just was on a hard to see blue sign.... yep some idiots will ruin it for the rest
  11. thanks, hopefully more again this weekend i think tiny plazos will work well we hardly took any photos as the fishing was so hot, half way through the fight you just wanted to get them in and cast again for another hook up ... greedy i am lol cant wait for the kings to turn up and feed on top in the harbour
  12. Target fly munching salmon Time & place late start Sunday, got to the heads about 12 midday After about 10 mins we spotted the birds and founds some big sambos on the chew underneath. Hooked up first or second cast on a 5 - 6 cm surf candy, saw some backing soon after and worked hard to get it in ASAP so my mate could get into the blitzing salmon as the school had moved / we drifted away . .. with sore forearms on just the first fish i landed a 60cms model. After a quick photo and release we then cruised up to the feeding fish again, and positioned the boat for the right angle of attack. Got a few casts into the right spot, missed a hook up and then repeatedly saw fish zoom in on the fly only to short take or completely pull out last second. So 3 or 4 refusals in the same cast, is not good, my mate wasn't hooking up either and after checking he was fishing similar sized fly, it was time for a change...colour or size what do i change first?? Thinking for a second and scanning the frothing surface i noticed i could not see the bait, rookie mistake, i was probably fishing to large, went to my trusty box of eyes flies, pushing aside my favourites from last year and the year before i pulled out a fresh recently tied eyes fly with a just a touch of UV flash in. The results were immediate first cast missed three takes before hooking up shortly after, (those size 8 hooks are tiny !!) To be honest i was yelling "eat it ,eat it, eat it' with each strip much to the amusement of other boats close by. My mate down sized fly as well and came up tight straight after. Very tight to what seemed a much larger fish i think it jumped once and then went real deep and way in the backing first run - it slugged down there and for a while we thought it might be foul hooked, it was so stubborn. After much huffing and puffing and some 'ship' stirring we finally saw it... foul hooked? NO - just a beast of a sambo, judging by my first fish its might have been close to 70cm, we dunno exactly as it jumped out the boat pre photo shoot lol . A few other boats turned up during the initial mayhem, hard to miss the wand waving and thousand birds i guess. Others were getting into them spinning, and one other guy on fly, some not getting hook ups, but near everyone was hooting and hollering - one guy was yelling out how he should really be home mowing the grass or something, was a party atmosphere out there, and everyone being pretty courteous -with good boat handling a few more fish and the next thing you know a large pod , (or two pods of diff dolphins) came through smashing the salmon, was great to watch. initially they came through at speed , easy 20kts, which was was a little unnerving when heading straight at your boat and 20 m away, they zoomed around for a while at pace in all directions with sporadic big boofs throwing spay high in the air. So with it all over on the salmon we were thinking and looking around assessing our options when we spotted some mutton birds low down at speed with gulls in pursuit less than a km further out , we chased a while without really getting a shot in, before deciding it might be better to head home rather than get mega frustrated chasing striped tuna that don't stop moving and won't stay up for long... we later heard there were acres of them further out which was disappointing to miss out on, but we'd had a good arvos fishing anyway. love the sunshine ! cheers grant
  13. you can walk down stream of there and fish below little river From the FISHERIES MANAGEMENT ACT 1994 Sections 8 and 11 Notification – Fishing Closure Trout and Salmon: "From the Tuesday after the June (Queen’s Birthday) long weekend until midnight on the last Friday before the start of the October (Labour Day) long weekend (inclusive) in each year, the taking of all species of fish by all methods is prohibited. Coxs River: County of Westmoreland. The whole of the waters of the Coxs River, its creeks and tributaries upstream from its junction with, but not including, Little River.
  14. be careful trying to right someone else wrong. i've met some sketchy characters down in the valleys or on the trails out there - guys with 4wds in the NP past the locked gates, their vehicles containing nets, gardening gear and guns - be careful if they don't mind doing things like that, i imagine they wouldn't have much concern for your safety either. we were bailed up for an hour on the walk out once forced to drink beer with them and had to promise we had never seen them and to keep our mouths shut about something we were not sure we knew anything about - was pretty scary at the time they were many and they were big and armed, i was really outgunned with my 3wt and floating line lol ps cant wait for the weekend ;-)
  15. didn't all this 'Re-start' after the 2000 olympics when they did all the construction at homebush and stirred up all the toxins in the mud/ dirt etc thats 14 years ago now and its still haunting us.... or was it always an issue and they only started to do real testing after the olympics. why is there no remediation talked about? the cost? guess its easier to just say dont eat the fish and put the onus on the population that the culprits -- there is something wrong with that a lot of money was spent on the olympics, and venues there still make money as have the developers building off the back of the Olympics and the ones building now off the back of the infrastructure that is there i don't know for sure but ive never heard a peep about any of those who profited contributing to some kind of remediation attempt, let alone the companies that put the dioxins in there in the first place - most probably non existent now - what about the SOCOG or the international olympic committee did they spend any money on remediation? wiki says Sydney Games cost A$6.6 billion, with a net cost to the public between A$1.7 and A$2.4 billion. wonder how much spent on prevention of releasing the dioxins and remediation after? -- a drop in the ocean perhaps ? the whole thing stinks ! rant off
  16. baldy , nice buck -- great colours envious !! cheers grant
  17. W4z, sounds good... yeah you need to find a corner of the boat to cast and not kill anyone lol make sure everyone is wearing sunglasses! .. assuming you are right handed and the boat has a cabin of sorts and you casting out the back of the boat to the fish then the port back corner is best or starboard side corner if you are approaching the fish .. so the line and fly are out over the water. if the boat approaches the fish and the fish are on port -- you'd best get up the front/ bow starboard side ... its tricky if the wind is coming from your casting arm side as it blows the line and fly into your head area... you'll work it out, or ditch those guys and hook up with other fly fishermen he he as for blackfish .. pm royce ( luderick angler) ... i spoke to him about it and he knows much more than me by a mile .. think a little burley will be needed in the river and some moving tide -- think there is some good stuff around on youtube and other site.. google google google -- fishing the fly is pretty much same as the float fishing tech except for the equipment PS sent you a pm (essay length with some ideas on fishing the fly for diff species) PPS salmon are always worth a shot -- great fun on a 6wt, note you probably know but salmon usually feed in a direction which is usually into the wind and or tide so to get best results you need to get in front of them and off to the side so then dont run into the boat as you drift down on them ;-) this way the fly is stripped away from them like the fleeing bait ..,. no always though this one was just mooching about is a small school popping up anywhere at any time and going down quick, made it hard to get the boat close and get a shot .. and even then it was not until i slowed my strip down i got an eat .. a fish of 100 casts this one ! (parra river last sunday) cheers grant
  18. hey W4z, yeah i try get out as much as possible, usually chase pelagics, but have fished for bream , bass and flatties with varying success. going to give this luderick thing go one of these days too as i tied up a few flies for them a a few weeks ago. back in the late 90's early 2000's there was loads of fly fishers in sydney, .. there are still quite a few but mostly only seen hunting the pelagics in summer are you land based or boat ? where are you at? let me know and i'll try and help out with some specific options always happy to help... but i warn you i tried for bream for more than a few hours on sunday for no fish , only a bump or two.. so even with all the right advice/ experience you need some luck too ;-) PS got some salmon early though .. fun fun let me know grant
  19. good luck with that W4z, - should give you hours of frustration , and if you are lucky some fun too! heard good reports of blackfish on fly lately ( talk to royce - luderic angler for good advice on them) and still a few salmon up the parra river, though land based it would be pot luck i imagine also give your line a good stretch before you go fishing save lots of tangles and frustration, as does cleaning it every few session and some line cleaner. - also a good tip is to tie a weight to your tippet and hang the whole line and a little backing out the guides off a bridge or similar every now and then to get all the line twist out - just let it hang for a couple of minutes then strip it back in and then reel it back on the reel ( so you dont wind it on under too much pressure and get tight coils from line memory ) we scored a few salmon on sunday but they were sporadic and patchy, we tried for bream most of the arvo on crazy charlies and similar for only a bump or two . cheer and good luck grant
  20. tarban creeks barra ... what next lol well spotted. i wonder if the barra woudl d better at the hot water outlets up central coast way ? i know some dolphin fish stayed/ goty stuck near one over winter many years back. poor thing be freezing for him in sydney
  21. nice fish there royce -- i tied up some weed flies on sat night, few cabbage style and some string weed ones - let me know when you are around my neck of the woods next, im keen to get a lesson from the luderick-angler like i mentioned we made the trip to one of the mountain dam on late sunday -- saw a few good fishing moving over the old creek bed but were on the wrong side of the lake and the drive around would have been a real mission without knowing how bad the tracks were and no back up - casting was near impossible with the drowned trees lost 2 files in 10 cast before darkness fell - with the rain on the weekend , it should be a good option for the next couple of weeks cheers grant
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