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Ojay Samson

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Posts posted by Ojay Samson

  1. yep - i made that map a while ago. and yes it needs a good update. Just request access and ill let you edit it

    (have already added a few people to edit it)

    Credit where credit is due, good stuff bennoz! [emoji38]
  2. That's good I haven't added anything to it for a long time as I no longer live in sydney

    In any cause, I love your work. I found it a few nights ago too and I reckon it's the best map this far for lb fishing spot options for days when you feel adventurous.
  3. It's always good when you catch stuff when you aren't expecting to! Good catch btw.

    In looking for the new spot, did you just wander around or pull out google maps?

    Thanks dynabolt. well we originally checked out kirribilli wharf, didint like it like mentioned so we decided to check out luna park wharf and just went from there (skipped jeffrey street wharf because ive fished there a couple of times and only ever caught pinkies, small port jackson shark and leatherjackets in the daytime).

  4. Nice one, if you get it I will be on the hunt.

    I want to be milf record holder too!

    In the words of Highlander... "There can be only one!"

    To many of them up at port ATM. I think I'll break that record really quick! :)

    Noooooo :( Let me have my day in the sun, if only for a little while haha. Need to work on badge approval first before anything lol.

  5. Hey all,

    went for a fish initially at kirribilli wharf with the gf for about 10 minutes, having never been there til then, we didnt like it due to the cramped quarters so went somewhere else. Got to the new location and baited up.

    Didnt take long till my newly acquired/salvaged/adopted rod combo I found the week previous and fixed (bcf 29.99 junior combo special... still had the sticker on it) buckled over. On the end of the line was a 50cm flattie. Completely unexpecting to get anything decent, again it was a stressful race for the gf to assemble the net again and for me to play with the fish making sure not to lift its head up out of the water and making sure it didnt go around pylons. after a couple tense minutes of assembling the net and walking the fish along the boardwalk to an access ladder, i climbed down the ladder while holding the net and the gf holding the rod now, scooped it up and success, brought it up and saw the hook fell out of the fishes mouth while in the net.

    Didnt take a pic of that as we've all seen a flatty before, it was more of the story behind catching it which I found note-worthy.

    Then next up caught a Painted Sweetlip/MILF going around 43-44cm. Caught that on a hand line with a squid head and a 7/0 suicide hook. took me into the rocks and whatever else was down there but luckily the handline was sporting 40lb mono (recycled line from old reel which needed some fresh stuff) so it was just a simple case of skull dragging it out.

    In regards to fishraider records badges, i'd like to apply for one with this fish. had a quick search for all the different names of this fish but didnt find anything. It seems like all the rage these days, and you aint nothing till you get one, haha jks... i just want to be cool to. can anyone point me in the right direction for that. "MILF RECORD HOLDER"... yes I like the sound of that =D

    Cheers for reading all,



  6. So it seems like this fish goes by a few names, including:

    Painted Sweetlip, Slate(y) bream, Blackall, & best of all, a Mother In Law Fish (MILF... haha).
    Thanks for the clues raiders, seems like this fish is lost as it seems to belong in the warmer queensland waters.

    Cheers Raiders, a pleasure as always.

  7. Sorry I cant help you with locations personally, but from what ive read they seem to be both in the harbour, east of the harbour bridge, and in botany bay, around the heads.
    keep us posted on how you go tomorrow as I am keen to know what its like to.
    ps your boat looks awesome, got all the toys! im sure you'll stumble on success if all these kingy reports are to be believed, oh also a picture tells a 1000 words....video is even better haha.


  8. That sounds like a really fun day on the water. now im itching to take the boat out and get in on some of the action on these plague proportion rat kings in the harbour. should be really fun on light gear. ive never caught a rat king before in the harbour as ive only ever been on it a handful of times on the boat, but would a 2-4kg rod with 8lb mainline braid be enough to have some fun with these kings or is that too light for a complete amature as i would like to get the mrs onto her 1st king and was wondering if her flick stick is enough for them or would it be safer to use a 4-6kg rod and 4-5000 size reel and 20lb mainline?

    also, it seems like bait'n'wait is the key, would using lures and soft plastics be an unnecessary exercise, as it seems the kings are hungry for anything they can get?
    also i dont mean to impose but if you could give me some ideas as to where generally i should be checking out via PM as i come from far up the parra river and would like to know if my efforts are better suited to try launch at rose bay boat ramp instead to save time and fuel or if the ramp around hunters hill is also ok? bear in mind it takes me a while to get anywhere due to small engine and its an absolute mission to get anywhere far haha.

    Keep the reports coming, for now i am living my boat fishing life vicariously through others.


  9. Thanks for the kind words all, Im glad you guys enjoyed the report.

    For anyone that was interested, the soft plastic used was a starlo & bushy slick rig complete 100mm black gold.

    Ojay, that's at Rhodes right? Just up from my work... Top Catch!!! Especially on 8lb. I run a similar setup and was catching similar sized fish on the weekend.. Heaps of fun!

    Sometimes, in fact almost all of the times we launch my mates boat and retrieve it at that ramp, there are people catching fish and appear to be keeping them.

    I try to tell them not safe, but the language barrier seems to cause issue.... The DPI warning sign is VERY faded in the carpark.... Guys is there anyway you can request DPI to update the sign?

    Yep thats the one, that sign is pretty much next to useless as it is indeed so faded that you cannot read anything from it.

    Good Job Ojay,

    I know exactly where you are in the shot. I check that area our my way to and from the harbour and I often see some good fish on the sounder within casting range of the wharf.

    Personally, I think the Parra is absolutely loaded with Jewies but catching them is another thing so getting one on the first catch is a good effort.

    Can I ask what part of the tide it was?...Clearly during the day and I would expect it to be near change of tide but not so sure from the photo.



    Sorry Jim, I have no idea if it was a run in or run out, all i can tell you is i caught the fish around 7:15pm that day.

  10. Just had a quick flick at my local boat ramp before heading home from an uneventful session trying for blackfish around hunters hill.

    Caught this nice soapie on the very first cast using the 1 soft plastic in the tackle box. Put on a bit of s factor and chucked it out, let it sink to the bottom and tightened the line, next thing I knew before I even had time to give it a flick the line started peeling off.

    Was tussling with this fish for a few minutes before the girlfriend managed to assemble the net to land it (luckily she went back to the car to get our jackets and was in shouting distance to say "NET NET NET").

    During this short time I amassed a crowd who were watching me work the fish as it went on a few runs.

    Landed it and requests for photos from bystanders were fulfilled before I released the fish back into the water.

    Gear used was my flick stick 2 ( pflueger trion sp702 / shimano symetre 2500 / 8lb berkley fireline tournament exceed / sunline rock fc 8lb fluorocarbon leader) on a starlo and bushy soft plastic paddle tail ( not quite sure of the exact specifics as I only had the 1 sp and the rest of the lures were at home but it's black and gold with some glitter in it) didn't take measurements or weights as I literally was not expecting to catch anything but can take guesstimates based on the photos taken.

    Pretty happy as I never had faith in those soft plastics as I'd never caught anything with them (kmart 1$ specials), also happy as I'd never caught a jewie using a lure before either, and also happy as I'd never seen anyone catch anything decent at that ramp before. Kind of wish this luck followed me at another location as I would not trust eating the fish in this particular area, so strictly a c&r job for all fish caught around here. Still a very happy chappy.

    Stayed for another 5 - 10 minutes hoping for another hookup, until my lure snagged the bottom and broke from the albright knot braid to leader, only had that 1 sp so quit while I was ahead.

    Thanks for reading,


    Only photo of the fish with the lure which you can see hanging from the rod


    Just took a tape measure to the rod and did a guesstimate of the fish being 62-63 cm. Below the recently revised limit of 70cm minimum. (the old limit of 45cm was a complete joke and I welcome this new limit). bf6597b30ce269663b265d27b3a16701.jpg

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