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Everything posted by Sharkbait74

  1. G'day guys, Well i certainly wasn't expecting the debate on the weight of the fish to cause such a stir. To let you all know we weighed it clean and it went 68kgs, that was after taking about 15 full slimmies, about the same amout of full squid, about 2 kilos of cubes from our trail and its guts so i am going to stick by my guess of 80kg as it seems as we throw away atleast 10kgs from its insides. It was a really fat solid fish, a mate got a 65kg fish about a month ago and his fish was shorter and was no were near as fat as this thing. Unfortunately the cases of beer in the photos was at the skippers bar, we put the fish in the cool room for the night and didn't get to enjoy the fish with all the beer, just a few of them. Rabs - commented about us being in the Pro Line CC, yes that was us. And as a fisherman who doesn't fish I can't comment on the taste of the steaks but i do have a happy wife, happy wife = happy life and the opportunity to go and try and get them again.
  2. Left yesterday morning, 4/8/11, with hope of finding a few YFT, after running out for a little while we set the lures and relaxed for a few hours and saw nothing. Stuck to our plan and started cubing just after midday. About and hour and half later the Tiagra 30 starts screaming and line dissappeared rapidly. After 4 and a half hours and getting towed east 4 miles we finally sunk the gaffs into this beast. Not to sure how heave it is as we haven't weighed it but guessing around the 80kg mark. It was my mates first good fish and he is hurting today. He did an awesome job consider it was on 15kg line and with a 40lb leader. Cheers Cam G'day guys, Well i certainly wasn't expecting the debate on the weight of the fish to cause such a stir. To let you all know we weighed it clean and it went 68kgs, that was after taking about 15 full slimmies, about the same amout of full squid, about 2 kilos of cubes from our trail and its guts so i am going to stick by my guess of 80kg as it seems as we throw away atleast 10kgs from its insides. It was a really fat solid fish, a mate got a 65kg fish about a month ago and his fish was shorter and was no were near as fat as this thing. Unfortunately the cases of beer in the photos was at the skippers bar, we put the fish in the cool room for the night and didn't get to enjoy the fish with all the beer, just a few of them. Rabs - commented about us being in the Pro Line CC, yes that was us. And as a fisherman who doesn't eat fish I can't comment on the taste of the steaks but i do have a happy wife, happy wife = happy life and the opportunity to go and try and get them again
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