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Everything posted by Cavey

  1. Hey Gaff Yes mate its true, apparently up until last year there was only one local pro operating out of pittwater but he has since had to call it a day. There was reports of about 7 or so pros who came into the system in about November and basically cleared pittwater with some locals saying they saw buckets and buckets of kings being taken off these boats and taken for sale . The rumours are that these pros have no respect for the area they trawl and just take what they can and move on, the scary thing is that they are saying we may need to know wait to next season to get the king fish back in the numbers they were before the pros came in. I was another site the other day and there have been suggestions of sending emails / letters to some of the people in the local government to have the pros banned from pittwater if your were interested in the address drop us a PM Cavey
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