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john w

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    basin view

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  1. Happy days - what was the lure?
  2. Success! Chucking a few grasshopper coloured squidgy plastics around at Maianbar yesterday one got nailed by a 47cm Flathead - which got a big surprise and was very pissed of.. jumping around and cranky as hell. I'll be down the Basin this weekend pressing onwards and upwards. Cheers
  3. Curiously, when i try and type the name of the major retailer, the forum prints+_+_).. anyway, its at Campsie and its a major retailer associated with ET and his gear.. yep, you are right, i should've put the rod straight.. weather was coming in fast and it was starting to piss down. it was 1km back to the car and i was thinking about that and not concentrating... too much of a hurry. My fault but they replaced it - there we have it. Looking at the weather for the morning now.. fingers crossed i take it fer a test drive early Cheers jw
  4. Being crap at soft plastics i bought a dedicated rod to give me a wriggle on to get it happening a couple of weeks ago. I went to the shopping centre in Campsie and got a special edition Shimano e.t. 702 rod - at $89.95 It felt really nice - balanced. A couple of trips out and it snapped just above the join on a snag... eeeek! I rang Shimano - they don't stock replacement tips... dang Went through paperwork and surprisingly found the receipt. Took it back to the shop and they replaced it on the spot no questions asked! I was prepared to buy a new tip, but there we go - I have a few types of jig heads and plastics, but have heard good things about a few hard bodies so i headed over to Fish Therapy at Earlwood and bought: a red belly stiffy popper http://tinyurl.com/2947aux and a Ecogear SX40lc (colour 343) http://tinyurl.com/24tloc2 Time to try again. Fingers crossed! I'm a keen bait fisher but having caught a Trevally at Scottish Rocks in Jervis Bay on a Tailor lure about a month ago i've definitely got the lure disease. Have had good results with S-factor on bait, but not on plastics.. more practice needed i guess.. Be gentle on those long sp rods.
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