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Posts posted by aeb870

  1. Wow, thanks heaps for the responses guys. I might try get out to the Lake for a bit of practice with both my baitcaster and the SPs.

    Thanks for sharing Benzeenees, very detailed. Just a quick one, when you mentioned the Big Island, is this basically the first island you come across travelling upstream from the bridge? Like is it where the river goes straight but you can turn right sort of and travel around the island.

    This is where I was planning to stay the night as I imagined it wouldn't be too bad.

  2. Thanks for the quick responses guys.

    I have seen that video on youtube while browsing, looks promising.

    I am not much of a SP fisherman, partially because I am still learning and yet to catch my first fish on it. :P But I might try some SP while bait fishing.

    Is there still Catfish in that river? I remember they were like a plague :ranting2:

  3. Hey,

    I was just looking for a bit of an insight about fishing the Clyde River down at Batemans Bay, we have organised a Houseboat for the end of June for the weekend.

    About 8 years ago, I remember going there also for a houseboat and I remember only catching Catfish and undersized Flatheads. Recently however I have seen a report of Jewies being caught out there, also from houseboats.

    Does anyone have any experience with this area, any advise or reports would be much appreciated.


  4. Basically just like Mack said, but just remember sometimes the gutter is a lot closer than you can imagine. So don't always be trying to belt out as far of a cast as possible, couple of weeks ago I caught a Trevally and a Tailor from no more than 10m in front of me.

  5. Wow, still catching Bonito?

    I went two weeks ago to try my luck at Bonito but there was none around. Are they catching them off bait or lure?

    Nice Salmon by the way, need to update your signature now :thumbup:

  6. Of course they do, take a drive to illawong bay one night and see for yourself. Why is that interesting anyway???

    It's interesting because I wouldn't mind giving it a crack, but always thought I needed a boat and recently sold my boat.

  7. Interested to know how you go, keep us posted.

    I am still in the stages of finding my way around fishing there, but if it helps, one of the raiders previously recommended I catch poddies from the creek there. So I am guessing there is poddies there, hope that helps.

  8. This is basically what sweep look like, they can grow fairly large when caught of a boat.

    They don't freeze well, and aren't the best eating. Some people still don't mind them fresh.

    post-15508-053486200 1337481995_thumb.jpg

  9. Excellent work, welldone.

    It was really great meeting you too, now I know where to find you.

    Really was a great day to be out, would have loved a Bonito but didn't mind going home empty handed.

    Again, good job. Cracker Salmon :thumbup:

  10. Well someone can probably correct me on this, but in regards to Lake Illawarra, I think I was once told that the tide takes effect in the lake 3 hours after the ocean. So when you read the tide chart just add on 3 hours.

    This is for Lake Illawarra, but I assume similar for all lakes.

    Please note that I am not too sure about the 3 hours but I definitely know there is a delay.

  11. I am not sure anymore regarding the closing times as I am no longer a regular there, but usually after 6am on the weekends it will be open. I have also been kicked out after 7pm also on the weekends, so generally if it's daylight fishing you are after then you should be alright.

    In terms of the rig, here is a simple diagram to help you out. I usually use another swivel about the float instead of a stopper, and you can use any hook setup you would like. I either use 2 hooks or a gang hook with full or half pilchards as bait.

    post-15508-088255100 1337256413_thumb.gif

  12. In regards to the breakwall, the one near the coal terminal is normally better as it's more convenient to fish. You will notice the one near the Maritime service is heaps higher from the water, with rocks/boulders in the way.

    With the breakwall near the coal terminal, generally if you cast out on the ocean side you will notice that the ocean floor is sandy all the way till the breakwall starts to take a bend. After that it becomes rocky so be prepared for snags if you fish the bottom (unless you can cast far), in saying that I still like to fish the bottom even in the rocky parts. If you go right to the tip of the breakwall and cast into the entrance of the port, there is usually a mixed bag of fish to be caught there and it's usually fairly good if you can grab a spot.

    What type of fishing do you do?

  13. As mentioned, you definitely need a bead so the hook won't got through the squid. Unweighted is the key to this method as your squid will skip across the surface of the water.

    Where in Port Kembla are you thinking? I always used this method on the southern breakwall, never tried this time of the year so let us know how you go.

  14. so do you just let teh skirted lure move around of its own accord, or do you have to retrieve it each cast?

    BTW - great info guys!

    You will need to retrieve it like a lure. And once again, the faster the better. It's a good workout but the adrenaline of excitement when the fish takes the skirted squid is priceless.

  15. +1

    I see guys, do it slightly different. They have a swivel, then float (which is stationary), then a really long trace (at least 3 meters) with something on the end I couldn't see from a distance, not sure if it was a lure. I think the float gets the attention of the bonnito as it skips on the surface, when the bonnies chase it they see the bait\lure which is just under the surface and go for it. I see this technique work every weekend.


    This is a method I regularly use, I was taught by the Bonito fishermen around Wollongong.

    Basically they fix the float with a sinker underneath it, then 3m of leader and at the end of that is a skirted squid (white normally works well). The whole concept of the float (with weight attached) is to get your unweighted skirted squid out as far as possible.

    Lethal method when fishing for Bonito, and you always get the by catches such as Salmon, Frigate, Slimies, Kingfish (never really got a legal one using this). The only problem is it's very tiring after a little why as you will find that you must use a 12ft rod for this method....the trace is just simply too long to cast out with any other rod and achieve distance.

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