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Posts posted by LeoB

  1. G'day predator

    Firstly you need to install a fuse to protect the cable,

    Secondly a resistor would dim the lights, they may have been too bright, but would also increase power usage.

    Give us a pm if you need any more info (I'm a sparky so I'm happy to give a few pointers)

    Cheers Leo

    Cheers Leo

  2. G'day guys

    I always used to buy cheap $30-50 pairs but over 12months ago found my uncle gave us a pair of Barz optics...I cannot believe the difference! I found cheap glasses would scratch very easy and only last about 3-6 months max. But they are still going strong. And the polarizing and tint is the best I have ever had by far, and my friends agree. I can't talk with experience for other brands though but I'll be purchasing a second set.

    Cheers Leo

    Cheers Leo

  3. G'day raiders

    Went out Saturday morning for some snapper off the northern beaches...but someone forgot to tell the snapper. The water temp was way down...below 17. And there wasn't much action. Caught a couple of Maori wrasse and lost a few rigs to the jackets.

    After a few moves and no fish we decided to go drift in 50m for flatties, and ended up with about 10 keepers to roughly 450mm. Threw a few big girls back as well as plenty of tiddlers. And just to add salt to the wound caught 2 pinkies out there as well as a sand whiting...very surprised!

    As always a great day on the water

    Cheers Leo

    Cheers Leo

  4. G'day raiders,

    Been out of action with a bad back lately but thinking of going for snapper tomorrow off the northern beaches in my mates boat. Just wondering if anyone's found any good fish in the area? and what depth have they been in? Thanks in advance guys

    Cheers Leo

  5. G'day

    If you're going for tailor, then you can also try spinning whole pilchards on gang hooks or metal slices. I've found using 'bait mate' an elastic thread you can get from tackle shops helps hold the pillies together.

    I usually use 2/0-4/0 gang hooks on 20lb line, but be prepared to loose a few hooks if the tailor are on.

    Try to find a spot on the beach where there's a good gutter, there should be able to see this by the wave action. The waves start to reform over the deeper water so there will be less white water

    Hope this helps

    Cheers Leo

  6. G'day

    How are ya? Haven't done too much beach fishing lately so can't report on which beaches are firing at the moment.

    But biggest question would be what are you targeting? As that will determine best bait or rig to use.

    Also have you had any experience in reading the beach?

    Get back to me and I'll try to put you in the right direction.

    Cheers Leo

    Cheers Leo

  7. Found some kings around long reef on Saturday in about 30m rounding up a school of bait. There was plenty of surface action later in the day, once that bloody fog lifted, but don't know if it was salmon since we couldn't check it out due to engine issues. Good luck

    Cheers Leo

  8. G'day raiders

    I'm heading out to browns with the fellas to try our luck at bottom bashing browns for the first time on Saturday (weather permitting of course). We will be cubing but will have a few drops if the currents not running too hard. I've only ever tried this once (didn't have enough lead on board) what I was wondering was what sort of bottom/structure we should be looking for on the sounder (hds5)? Also what size line should be used for the sacrificial lead? I have made up a variety of weights from off-cuts of steel so it will rust out in no time. Any rough marks via pm would be greatly appreciated as it's a very big sea mount, as I've got a few but none of us have ever done deep dropping so don't know where to start looking.

    Thanks in advance!

    Cheers Leo

    Cheers Leo

  9. Thanks for the reply fishmaniac. Yeah already have a tyranos and tiagra 50w, and of course a trusty tld25 for trolling and cubing. But going to get another setup loaded with braid for down deep if we spot fish. About the manual reel...I guess I Just like to punish myself I guess haha. And I can load the reel with mono if I don't like it...

    Cheers Leo


    - Cheers Leo

  10. G'day Raiders

    Just wondering was size main lines you guys run when targeting the oogilies of the deep. I will be using a 30-50w overhead, still deciding on which shimano to buy, and probably a bent butt rod.

    Cheers in advance



    - Cheers Leo

  11. Yeah didnt get any of the target fish but was great to see so much active marine life...shows how alive the water is. Fishing is fishing and catching is another thing completely haha. And the great conditions definitely helped

    Cheers Leo

  12. G'day

    Headed out Sunday morning in the hope of hitting some snapper early off the northern beaches, then heading out for a troll.

    The weather held pretty well with only one or two showers the whole day. Started off swing a pod of I'm guessing 20-30 dolphins around fort denistone, a sight I'd never seen inside.

    Hit the first mark in about 26m about 7.30 and hung around for an hour but came up with a donut, not even a bait touched.

    A short move into about 19m and we marked some fish so over went the pick. Within half an hour there was chaos, trevally, and tailor everywhere. Then the spotted mackerel turned up, along with some sweep. This carried on for about an hour and even had an albatross dive at a 2kg tailor we had at the boat. Then a 4-5 foot mako turned up and ate every rig we had out but by the time we got the wire out he was gone.

    Headed out towards 12 mile and put out the spread to test the outriggers we installed the week before...worked a treat :) the water was alive with fur seals. Counted about 5-10, difficult to tell though. Found a patch of dolphins and birds feeding on the other side of 12 and circled for an hour but couldn't raise fish.

    The tally was 7 tailor 1 trev 4 spotties and a strippy. Was a great day on the water.

    Cheers Leo

  13. G'day

    I'm no shark fishing expert and most of it is done off a boat. I always use nylon coated wire or weld lock as I've heard (dunno if it's true) that sharks can sense the electrical disturbance set off by steel and water. There is still the hook though so have my suspicions...

    Also I use a leader about 1.5-2m long due to their sand paper like skin, wears through line in no time.

    As for tackle, I've got about a 10-11' tiger shark to the boat on 50lb line with an 80lb leader when up in Townsville. Hope all that is of some use.

    Cheers Leo

  14. G'day Kane

    Pretty much in the same boat myself, just starting out and loving it. What I have found really helpful is going out on a charter or two every season and giving them 20 questions on everything they do. If you find a good one like the site sponsors, Reef Magic, they are happy to share their knowledge. Have been out a few times and don't reckon I could have learned half as much in 5 years on my own. And secondly...don't buy cheap gear because tackle failure can just about bring a grown man to tears haha...unfortunately I speak from experience. Would love to help more but only know some basics, if you want to know more drop us a line and I'll let you know if I can help.

    Cheers Leo

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