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Posts posted by dacosta74

  1. Thanks for the advice guys.

    We tried using a normal biggish round bucket a couple of weeks ago. It was our first attempt. We caught about a dozen, but they started dieing within about half an hour.

    I'll give some of your tips a go.


  2. Hi Raiders

    I'm looking at getting one of these livebait buckets with built in airator.

    Does anyone know how long you can keep them alive with one?

    Could I catch my yakkas the night before, will they still be alright in the morning?

  3. Hey guys, we also headed out on Sunday.

    Left Roseville at 6.30ish, picked up some yakkas. First time we've tried this - no success though. Tried putting them out around the boats by the Spit. Nothing.

    Tried Old Man's Hat, nothing but a couple of trevali.

    Headed out of the heads. We also saw the massive flock of ganets. They were hammering the biggest school of pillies I've ever seen. We were flicking silver lures around hoping to pick up a predator, but nothing. Apart from the birds trying to nail our lures.

    Had a whale pop up from nowhere scarily close to the boat.

    Trolled back around the heads, nothing.

    Tried a wedding cake for a bit, nothing.

    You can see a pattern emerging here.

    Headed back to Clontarf, a usual safe bet for some flathead/snapper. Really quiet there too.

    It was a great day out on the water, just disappointing to not catch anything decent.

    There's always next time.!

  4. Hello Raiders.

    I'm looking at buying a trailer boat, 15-18ft. Can anyone suggest where I could store it in the eastern subs of sydney, or not too far away.

    I've heard of a couple of boats in Bondi/Rose Bay being pinched. Wouldn't want the pride and joy going missing.

    General storage centres seem pretty pricey.\

    Any advice appreciated.


  5. Hi all.

    I'm looking to buy a boat in the next few months. In preparation I'm looking for a boat fishing mentor, someone with a boat that can get me ready.

    I've got quite a lot of fishing experience, all my own gear. Happy to chip in for fuel and bait. I'll even bring the sandwiches!

    I'm 37, love my fishing and being out on boats, just need some pointers on fishing the harbour.

    I'm available most weekends.


  6. Hi David

    I'm 37 too, English, fished since I was young, but just getting to grips with local fishing - happy to pass on knowledge. I live in Paddington.

    Definitely interested in heading out for a session off the rocks somewhere in the harbour.

    Let me know when you think you might be free.



  7. Hi all

    Did a little session off the North Bondi rocks last night.

    Didn't have much success really, but caught a few of these. We christened them Bondi Big Eye.

    Can anyone identify them?post-16053-013330100 1298260211_thumb.jpg

    They're small, about as big as your hand, kind of wedge shaped.

    Thanks in advance.

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