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Posts posted by sinbad66

  1. Bugger that alvey idea off seen too many busted knuckles to be that keen.. Gimme an 8000 sized reel with a locked drag and 30lb that'll do the job on drummer it does for groper

    one day you will wake up to yourself!

    busted knuckles ! lol

    dunno how you think u use an alvey but busted knuckles was never relevant to me or my mates in 20yrs

    have seen many a fool with an exploding eggbeater though

  2. thats a top black pig

    well done

    i used 30lb mono on alvey with my 13ft beach rod

    still lost the occaisional big fella but the long rod gave me a good advantage

    oh i hope you bled them quick

  3. There are alot of different area's to fish around the spit bridge area. You can fish under the bridge on both sides and this can produce catches of Bream near the pylons. Live baiting with Squid, Yellowtail or Mullet in the deep channel can produce Jew and King fish for the lucky ones who are willing to put in the time and effort, and Tailor can be taken in the channel as well. Other species can also come out of this area including Flathead and pike. Fishing around from the marina in the bay on the southern side of the bridge can produce good catches of Bream in around the boats and moorings, Flathead are also good catches from this area. Burleying up with bread can attract Garfish that can be caught with the aid of a float, or with bread files on a fly rod. Further around the bay a bit further on the rocks you might be able to find Leatherjacket, Flathead and Bream. On the other side of the bridge you can find some area from the rocks to fish, and further around there is a large area of sand flats where you could wade and try for Flathead, Whiting, and Bream on hardbody and soft plastic lures or flies.

    copied from http://www.shorefishingaustralia.com.au/Locations.do;jsessionid=53D72F04B847466939BC4B5D37876083?action=ShowRegion&regionID=1#2

    hope im allowed to acknowledge that


    study the google map

    plenty of good spots to try

    u probably have a parking permit as well

  4. off the beach bronze whalers are the most common

    ive hooked some 8 footers and fought em hard for 30 mins before letting them go on my old 30lb alvey setup with 13 foot rod

    most ive caught have been with ganged 2/0s but hell theyll bite anything

    unfortunately finding a friend who will wade in and help land 6 foot plus sharks seem hard to come by lolol

    also be prepared for rays [they run a bit stop a bit run a bit suck to the bottom a bit]

    although again as ive found out getting your mate in the shallows with an angry 6 foot ray is also an impossibility

    oh and be prepared to be stuffed and virtually at the point of collapse after battles

    i tracked up and down newport beach one night for near 90 mins with an estimated [saw him] 8-10 foot bronzey after cutting him loose i collapsed for an hour to drink a 6 pack

    that nite i was using a wire trace which in retrospect was a testing mistake

    although alveys did make the going easy in some respect i dont think id like that strain on an eggbeater

    definately give it a go

    any decent slab of meat will get em

    as for burley well sharks are scroungers

    maybe a trail of pigs blood will help

    but ive rarely had problems hooking them [landing them is a different story]

    just do what i do decide to target jews

    then your sure to hook sharks :thumbup:

  5. grew up around the lake back when they water skied and dredged

    bream hole?? no idea!

    although i think youd tend to find em ocean end

    as said caravan park /ocean bridge is always good for bream/whiting/flathead

    flathead up the back wakehurst parkway/deep creek way know of some 1mt plus specimens caught

    the entrance is a great spot for jews if the entrance is open

    and prawning at the right time of year

    most of the lake is fairly shallow

    however at the bottlenecks [pittwater rd and ocean street bridges] the current does gouge out some deep areas

  6. id suggest contacting your local authority ie: national parks/council etc

    im sure there will be signs a plenty anyway but that may not help

    buy a cheap gas bbq

    i believe u can nearly always use a gas bbq just take the plate off [except of course in extreme fire conditions]

    sorry cant help better

    better still take a warm woman!!

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